Exercise and managing blood sugar!

I have been struggling to manage my blood sugar for the last 6 or so months. I've been getting dizzy spells and heart palpitations and they have gotten progressively worse so I'm looking for a solution. If I up my calories to try and keep my sugar up is it okay to create that deficit by exercising or does that defeat the purpose? Also, when I was younger I had trouble with making too much insulin but now if I was diabetic it would be the opposite right? Is that possible? I have an appointment I'm just nervous about it all so I would appreciate any kind and friendly input you have! Thanks!(:


  • nrbrake
    nrbrake Posts: 38 Member
  • lizpitts
    lizpitts Posts: 67 Member
    First and most importantly - see your doctor as soon as possible!
    Blood sugar can be tricky. Carbs or sugar will elevate your blood sugar while protein will keep not raise it much and keep it steady for a time. Also exercise will lower your glucose readings. From your post I'm guessing that you are struggling with low blood sugar? Do you have a glucose reader? Or are you going by how you feel?
    Another suggestion is to get the book "Eat to Live: An end to diabetes" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. It really helped me stabilize my blood sugar.
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    Hopefully, you can get your glucose, etc. all checked out by a doc ASAP and it's all good!!

    I had experienced the same symptoms (well, what I THOUGHT was low blood sugar/shakiness if I didn't eat every few hours... BUT it turned out I was fine and it was due to my extraordinary love of carbohydrates. As in carbs WERE my "diet"! After getting my calories & consequently the macros worked themselves out for the most part, I suddenly felt normal again :smile: (My family genes are the trinity of bad stuff: diabetes, heart attacks & strokes, so I was worried for good reason.)

    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    exercise is a good way to reduce blood sugar. You need to measure it so you know what's going on, pharmacies sell the meters or may offer a service to measure it for you.
  • nrbrake
    nrbrake Posts: 38 Member
    So exercise will further lower my blood sugar? And I'm just waiting for an appointment. I have a log line of diabetes in my family as well so I'm really nervous! I was planning to up my calories to maintenance for the time being and make my deficit by exercise. Is that a good or bad idea? And yes I'm thinking low blood sugar. I have been eating at maintenance for 5 days and the dizzy spells and such are still happening
  • lizpitts
    lizpitts Posts: 67 Member
    Dizzy spells and heart palpitations can also be caused by something other than diabetes. A very common sign of diabetes is thirst. But bottom line - only a health care professional can diagnose the issue. Hope you get that appointment soon!
  • nrbrake
    nrbrake Posts: 38 Member
    Yes I have that too. But it's not every day. All I know is there are days where I literally pee every 5 minutes and still can't get enough to drink