Please help - need some ideas to keep me full all day!

Hi - I am finding that I can eat sensibly and healthily during the day, but, come the evening, my willpower seems to go out the window. This is not helped by the fact my little girl is having bedtime issues currently which means on some days, when myself and my husband work, she eats her dinner before us and we end up battling to get her to bed, which takes ages, which means we don't get our dinner til really late, and then I find myself reaching for the chocolate to keep me going until I do eat! On the flipside, on the days we eat our dinner with her, which of course is earlier, by 9pm I'm finding I'm getting the urge to snack. Any ideas on what I can eat, and when, that will stop me from doing this? I'm not saying I have to cut out all chocolate or cheese, don't think anyone should do that, just need some advice on better stuff to snack on and maybe some advice on better meal ideas generally - what do you guys eat?

Just for example, on the days I work, I'll eat lunch around 1:30/2, have a snack around 4, and then, if it's a nightmare nighttime with the little one, I don't get dinner til 9/9:30!!

Thanks everyone :-)


  • falkeon
    falkeon Posts: 3 Member
    Almonds. I use on days like that plain raw almonds just 1/8 cup to a 1/4 cup with water fills you up pretty good. and almonds are a great super food for you ( with good fats). Bonus taste great! hope this helps
  • jadetigereyes
    jadetigereyes Posts: 44 Member
    I usually drink a lot of fluids to help with staying full. If you're looking for something to munch on instead of liquid replacement, I would eat a 1/2 cup of fruit (blueberries, strawberries, etc.) to get that sweetness effect without eating something super unhealthy. Like falkeon said, almonds are a great alternative as well, or walnuts, pecans, etc.

    Good luck!
  • Madmarsha
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I just know I always want to snack, so I plan out my snacks and leave myself enough calories. Also make sure you're eating filling foods with protein and fiber, as well as lots of fresh fruits and veggies.
  • 04ward
    04ward Posts: 196 Member
    I eat lots of broccoli! Low in calories and filling. Add a little low sodium soy sauce and it's delicious. Also, I purchased some "Nips" caramel hard candies that are 30 calories each and that will get me over my sugar cravings. Sweets are my weakness. I could eat a whole big bag of M&M's and love Milk Duds. One theater size box MD is over 500 Calories! Now I suck on a caramel hard candy with the chocolate center and I'm satisfied for 30 calories. My "new" Milk Dud!