how do i get more fiber in my diet?



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Its a problem to me, I can't eat out because I'm too embarrassed. My eating habits lead to me having problems getting enough vitamins and nutrients from my diet. I feel stuck because on rare occasions when I have tried something new I've gagged and been sick. What I really need is Cognitive Therapy to work though my issues with food. I have asked but in vain, I can't afford to go down alternative routes. Hypnoses etc..

    You can do therapy all on your own without needing to spend money on a specialist. There are tons of self help sites to assist you in getting over it. It really is all in your head and you have the power to fix it, you just have to want it and believe you can do it.

    Taking responsibility gives you the power to change it.

    This times a million. The fact that you acknowledge that the problem is you and not with food gives you the power to face this and make changes.