Why does low carb work better then just eating whatever?

Hi ya,

I don't know if it's just all in my head but when i'm counting calories and eating what ever the hell I want I don't seem to lose no where near as much as I do if I'm counting calories and cutting carbs down...why is this? surely it's meant to be about calories in calories out? does anyone else watch their carb intake? at the moment I'm just trying to keep it below 50g a day but I don't mind where them 50 come from like if it's from chocolate or bread, just as long as i don't go over....would appreciate any help




  • TonyStark30
    TonyStark30 Posts: 497 Member
    Bloat, water weight, sugar crash makes you eat more later, unless you weigh Carb portion estimates can be way out.

    So basically Low carb does less things that can dishearten you or make you fail.
  • Shriffee
    Shriffee Posts: 250 Member
    I'm also trying to cut down on carbs and only eat them from fruits and veggies. This is my understanding of why carbs make it harder to lose weight: Carbs break down into sugar, elevated sugar in your blood stream makes you secrete insulin, and insulin stores the sugar in your muscle/fat cells for later use.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    It's just your psychology. Everyone has different things that affect their appetite in a variety of ways.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    When you lower your carbs a "side effect" will be lower calories unless you replace those calories with something else. Any "diet" only works because of a calorie deficit. For weight loss it's not going to matter where those calories come from as long as you are consuming less of them than you are burning.

    In the short term carbs can cause you to retain water but over the long term it's really not going to matter much for strictly weight loss, body composition is a whole other thing all together.
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    That's what works for me also. Plenty of people will say calories in/calories out. I'm not going to argue with them about it, I know what works for me. Everyone is different.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    When you're eating less carbs, do you make up for the caloric difference with other foods? I ask because if you're simply eliminating a large amount of calories via carbohydrates without replacing those calories elsewhere (protein, namely) then all you're doing is creating a larger calorie deficit, which of course means you'll lose weight more quickly.

    If, however, you're eating (roughly) the same number of calories with or without carbs, I'd say it might have something to do with the body having less "easy" energy. Carbohydrates break down most quickly and are the first things used for fuel. If you're depriving your body of that easy energy it looks for other sources- protein and fat. That's why it's important to make sure you're eating adequate amounts of protein; you don't want your body consuming your lean body mass (muscle) for energy.

    This is my (elementary) understanding of how it works; perhaps someone more educated in nutrition can expound on it, but I hope it helps, OP :smile:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    When you lower your carbs a "side effect" will be lower calories unless you replace those calories with something else. Any "diet" only works because of a calorie deficit. For weight loss it's not going to matter where those calories come from as long as you are consuming less of them than you are burning.

    In the short term carbs can cause you to retain water but over the long term it's really not going to matter much for strictly weight loss, body composition is a whole other thing all together.

    Aside from the lowering calorie effect. Carbs are useful in the body as a source for storing energy in muscles, the glycogen in muscles ranges from 250-700 g and has an additional 4-9 g of water per gram of glycogen. That's up to 3 kg of liquid storage in muscle tissue affected by low carb (add another kg in the liver) and any diet that affects this storage system will create an artificial loss. Not very sustainable in the long term, fine for short term losses.
  • FindingMyPerfection
    FindingMyPerfection Posts: 702 Member
    There are many people who have some sort of carb intolerance with out knowing it. It may be possible you are one of them.
  • togmo
    togmo Posts: 257
    I'm also trying to cut down on carbs and only eat them from fruits and veggies. This is my understanding of why carbs make it harder to lose weight: Carbs break down into sugar, elevated sugar in your blood stream makes you secrete insulin, and insulin stores the sugar in your muscle/fat cells for later use.

    Something that you want if you are working out. Otherwise you crash. Carbs are an intense exerciser's best friend!
  • togmo
    togmo Posts: 257
    When you lower your carbs a "side effect" will be lower calories unless you replace those calories with something else. Any "diet" only works because of a calorie deficit. For weight loss it's not going to matter where those calories come from as long as you are consuming less of them than you are burning.

    In the short term carbs can cause you to retain water but over the long term it's really not going to matter much for strictly weight loss, body composition is a whole other thing all together.

    Aside from the lowering calorie effect. Carbs are useful in the body as a source for storing energy in muscles, the glycogen in muscles ranges from 250-700 g and has an additional 4-9 g of water per gram of glycogen. That's up to 3 kg of liquid storage in muscle tissue affected by low carb (add another kg in the liver) and any diet that affects this storage system will create an artificial loss. Not very sustainable in the long term, fine for short term losses.

    ^ This - artificial loss!
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    For me, protein helps me to feel so much longer full. For example, if I eat eggs for breakfast, I am not hungry until lunch. A bowl of cereal (lot of carbs) with the same amount of calories makes me want to eat after 2 hours again.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    it is in your head.

    if you eat in a calorie deficit then you will lose weight.

    If low carb makes it easies for you to create said deficit then by all means do it. I just think that in the long run it is not going to work as eventually you are going to get cravings and give in to them, just my opinion.

    A more sensible approach is to set your macros to 40P/30F/30 carbs, eat in a 500 per day deficit, and work out/move more…

    I eat about 30% carbs and maintain 11% body fat….and have had no problems losing, gaining, etc.
  • ronrstaats
    ronrstaats Posts: 294 Member
    Aside from the lowering calorie effect. Carbs are useful in the body as a source for storing energy in muscles, the glycogen in muscles ranges from 250-700 g and has an additional 4-9 g of water per gram of glycogen. That's up to 3 kg of liquid storage in muscle tissue affected by low carb (add another kg in the liver) and any diet that affects this storage system will create an artificial loss. Not very sustainable in the long term, fine for short term losses.

    How long is short term? Need to know after 2.5 years of doing low carb how many years I have left.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    When you're eating less carbs, do you make up for the caloric difference with other foods? I ask because if you're simply eliminating a large amount of calories via carbohydrates without replacing those calories elsewhere (protein, namely) then all you're doing is creating a larger calorie deficit, which of course means you'll lose weight more quickly.

    If, however, you're eating (roughly) the same number of calories with or without carbs, I'd say it might have something to do with the body having less "easy" energy. Carbohydrates break down most quickly and are the first things used for fuel. If you're depriving your body of that easy energy it looks for other sources- protein and fat. That's why it's important to make sure you're eating adequate amounts of protein; you don't want your body consuming your lean body mass (muscle) for energy.

    This is my (elementary) understanding of how it works; perhaps someone more educated in nutrition can expound on it, but I hope it helps, OP :smile:

    While carbs are used early in an effort - remember all three systems are in use at all times. Don't worry too much about what breaks down more quickly, in a normal diet, it is still a multi-hour process. Even pure glucose when ingested peaks at about 3/4 hr in blood levels.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    That's what works for me also. Plenty of people will say calories in/calories out. I'm not going to argue with them about it, I know what works for me. Everyone is different.

    no, everyone is not different. The laws of thermodynamics and math apply to all of us. There are no special snowflakes that can eat more than they burn and lose weight.

    Again, if low carb helps you create a calorie deficit, great…but don't go around saying that it is not calories in vs calories out bc that is wrong and confuses people.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    It's not really "artificial" -it's just not fat loss. Not to mention, it only really occurs during the first week or so of a LCHF diet anyways, and has little do with the long-term. As for exercise, it really depends on what you do. If you're a sprinter, you will want some carbs, while endurance activities tend to be fine on a LCHF diet. I know some guys that will preload their lifting with some carbs (TKD), while others feel fine lifting on a standard LCHF diet.

    As for why it works for some people, the main advantage of such diets is that you're simply satiated most of the time, even when eating at an aggressive caloric deficit. There are posts daily on this forum about people going to bed hungry, not getting enough to eat, etc. because they set too aggressive of a caloric deficit, and usually they're given the right answer of upping their calories a bit and taking things more slowly. On the other hand, those same people could likely get by just fine on their aggressive caloric deficit if eating a LCHF diet, as it's much less likely they'd go hungry on a daily basis. Of course, the downside is you have to give up certain foods, and some people prefer the freedom to eat whatever they want over being satiated or following a more aggressive caloric deficit. It's certainly not for everyone.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Aside from the lowering calorie effect. Carbs are useful in the body as a source for storing energy in muscles, the glycogen in muscles ranges from 250-700 g and has an additional 4-9 g of water per gram of glycogen. That's up to 3 kg of liquid storage in muscle tissue affected by low carb (add another kg in the liver) and any diet that affects this storage system will create an artificial loss. Not very sustainable in the long term, fine for short term losses.

    How long is short term? Need to know after 2.5 years of doing low carb how many years I have left.

    Well, you've obviously been successful with it but for most people low carb diets fail because they find them too restrictive. It is also particularly difficult diet if you are active in any endurance activity.

    So let me backpedal for a second and add "for many people".

    So, let me ask you, since you low carbed in the past and then failed and are now back for long term low carb, what are you doing to assure your long term success for the future? No bread, cookies or cake for the rest of your life? or is "low carb" for you relative?

    Not an attack in any way, I'm truly curious. I'm running a very low carb experiment right now and am curious about those that make it as a life time thing. Won't be my choice, but I'm interested in your perspective.
  • LaurieJ68
    LaurieJ68 Posts: 22 Member
    It's all very confusing! Everyone seems to have a different fund of knowledge when it comes to weight loss. It definitely is a matter of calories in/calories out but it also seems to be different for everyone in regards to how they make that happen. What it really comes down to is what can you live with? Yes, losing weight for your health and to look and feel good and doing it in the quickest way possible for you is great. But what about the long term? Can you give up those carbs forever? Because it's all about changing your lifestyle forever. You may go on a low carb diet and exercise daily for 2 hours but is that something you can sustain forever? I know that when I cut down on carbs and calories I lose weight. But I also know that I would miss those carbs if I told myself I could never eat them again. And what happens when I lose all the weight I want to lose and then go back to eating my carbs that I have missed? I gain weight. So, for me, it's about finding the lifestyle that I can live with forever. It's a long time, I know. I am still looking for the one I can live with. I'm working on it. :) Good luck to you! :happy:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    It's not really "artificial" -it's just not fat loss. Not to mention, it only really occurs during the first week or so of a LCHF diet anyways, and has little do with the long-term. As for exercise, it really depends on what you do. If you're a sprinter, you will want some carbs, while endurance activities tend to be fine on a LCHF diet. I know some guys that will preload their lifting with some carbs (TKD), while others feel fine lifting on a standard LCHF diet.

    As for why it works for some people, the main advantage of such diets is that you're simply satiated most of the time, even when eating at an aggressive caloric deficit. There are posts daily on this forum about people going to bed hungry, not getting enough to eat, etc. because they set too aggressive of a caloric deficit, and usually they're given the right answer of upping their calories a bit and taking things more slowly. On the other hand, those same people could likely get by just fine on their aggressive caloric deficit if eating a LCHF diet, as it's much less likely they'd go hungry on a daily basis. Of course, the downside is you have to give up certain foods, and some people prefer the freedom to eat whatever they want over being satiated or following a more aggressive caloric deficit. It's certainly not for everyone.

    Or a LCHP diet. ;)