


  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    A cheat "meal", cannot destroy an entire weeks of work, unless you've hardly done any work and or decide it would be a great time to eat 7000 calories in one setting. Just sayin'. We could have different definitions of what a cheat meal or day is however. But most of everything else you said is correctt for standard weight loss procedures. Like i said already, a binge will come around when you've micromanaged (extreme dieted, went too far for too long) and finally lose it out of trying to maintain such a rigid disciplin. There is nothing wrong with rewarding yourself upon surpassing a desired goal, as long as its managed. (Because its possible to have a cheat meal, something you want, within your daily calorie intake. possibly slightly above as it does help break a plateau if you've been undereating).

    All depends what the cheat meal is and how often. Some people are cheating regularly, stuffing their faces and then moaning "oh the weight is not shifting, have I reached a plateau, should I eat more to kickstart my metabolism" WTH???

    Eating cheats is what got us here in the first place, personally if anybody thinks I am going back to that way of eating, they can think again.

    3500 extra calories is needed to put on 1lb, a couple of big Macs and chips (fries) - don't like to think how many in that little pile of grease. A portion of battered fish and chips - over 1000 calories. A large pizza from Dominos - hazard a guess.....

    The list is endless and cheating can ruin weeks and weeks of hard effort. How? Because suddenly consuming large amount of carbs will make the eater crave more and eat more they will.

    Iamagymrat is totally correct, the person has broken their eating plan and so may as well continue breaking it for the day and by gum they will break it bigtime, because you see, they know that going back onto it from "tomorrow", they will be unable to have these lovely "treats" that they have missed so much.

    A change in thinking is what is required, a lifestyle change. The little lightbulb needs to go on in their heads so that they realise that eating correctly benefits them mentally as well as physically, but until they see it for themselves, nothing, anybody will say will make a jot of difference.

    Those high carb foods that make a person crave more are addictive in their nature and for a person trying so desperately to lose weight, they are, in effect, poison.

    In reference to your later posting, you quoted:
    Oohh I got one for that, is masterbation cheating in the relationship?! :O I mean its with yourself after all.. much like your diet.. okay i'll stop joking around.

    Anywho I did say to "plan" the cheat meal if you're going to have one to "Control" the possibility of binging from being overly strict. and to me (as in, myself, me a lone) no, I don't feel that a cheat meal of my choosing will harm my own diet. Because I have the power to pick up my diet as normal the next day and to not feel guilty about giving myself something that would be off my normal menu. Because my standard diet alone will carry me to my goals and because out of habit I workout as hard as I possibly can each workout. One day, does not equal my lifetime results. Consistent good habits equal my lifetime results. :)

    You are very fortunate that you can pick up where you left off, I too can do that now, but a hell of a lot of people cannot do that and it is these people that are desperate for the help. You don't feel guilty, well they do.

    It is not the actual cheat food that is the issue here, but the mentality that will surround it after it is consumed.
  • beautyqueen1979
    beautyqueen1979 Posts: 151 Member
    There are a lot of good points raised on this board. I think for me, I don't use the word 'cheat'. I am here to learn to live a new way, and never look back. I'm not dieting, only to go back to my old habits when I burn out. Because this is me, for life, there are going to be days over the course of your month or year when you have a meal which is bigger than your average - such as going out for dinner. The way I see it, if I decide I am going to have a meal which is heavier in cals (etc) rather than opting for my normal sized meals, I will work for it that day. Today I have 1500 cals left for dinner. So when I go out for a meal tonight, I will allow myself to choose something I like from the menu - of course, I will not have a starter/dessert and will still tend to stay away from anything battered/fried/greasy, but I will choose a main that I like, and enjoy it. Also when I go out for meals I tend to avoid chains or places which live to sell burgers/pizzas/fried chicken etc. I am fortunate to have a selection of independent restaurants serving fresh local produce nearby to choose from :D

    I won't have a full day of overeating, or have anything I want. That was the me that got me to where I am. I am learning that I can still eat some of the foods I used to but in moderation - i.e. choose between a heavier main or allowing myself a small dessert one day (obviously not daily!). That sort of thing. It has worked for me so far in making me feel like I am not denying myself anything, and has helped in changing my thinking towards eating - I am no longer obsessed with or even thinking about the next time I can eat X or Y.
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