Best stores/websites for treadmill hire

Hello everyone,

Please excuse me if this is a common topic in this section, I couldn't seem to find any recent threads on it.

I am very interested in renting a treadmill, and have had trouble really narrowing down a good website or store. Many, as I expected, have a lot of fine print and it makes me rethink the whole thing. I walk my dog twice a day but I would love to be able to use it for half an hour a day when it's sweltering hot outside, and i can pop on a movie. I'm not against buying one either, if you have any recommendations there.

I'm really just looking for opinions or personal experience buying/renting treadmills.

Thank you. :)


  • laurahamm96
    laurahamm96 Posts: 46 Member
    Look on craigslist. You can likely find a good treadmill for a good price.