Can someone look at food diary

Can someone please look at my food and excerise diary and tell why I am not losing weight. In t he past month or so I have really not lost much weight. But I am very careful what I eat and excerise six days a week very religiously. So, any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks:


  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    There are a ton of entries logged as 0 calories?? Also, quick add calories are highly inaccurate, you should use real entries at all costs. Buy a digital food scale and weigh anything that isn't liquid! This includes peanut butter. Give it a few weeks making sure you are accounting for everything. Every bite. And beware entries in the database that are user submitted, there are some wonky ones!
  • I do weight and measure my food. The 0 are items I omitted that particular day. Please look at only the past couple of weeks or even this month. I also, check my nutrients and they all seem to be right on target.
  • morganevarts
    morganevarts Posts: 2 Member
    Hate to say it, but you are not eating enough!! The low calorie, protein, and fat intake is making your body go after any muscle you have to survive.
  • morganevarts
    morganevarts Posts: 2 Member
    I omit my previous post, I did not look back farther in your food diary. Sorry,
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Hate to say it, but you are not eating enough!! The low calorie, protein, and fat intake is making your body go after any muscle you have to survive.

    This is nonsense. "Not eating enough" made no one maintain or gain weight, ever.

    OP: What was your weight on January 1? January 8? January 15? Today?
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    First: thanks for reaching out to the community. Lots of knowledgeable and caring folks out here.

    Second: looks like you are using the standard MFP ratios. I believe that they are way to heavy on carbs and too light on protein, especially if you are working out, as it appears that you are. I would suggest 40/30/30. I am set for 35/35/30. When I pay attention to that, I get goo dresults.

    Third: lots of 0 calorie entries that have actual calories. Fiber bar that is listed at 0 cals.? Really?

    Be honest with what you are recording. When in doubt, I suggest OVER allocating the food calories (round up) and UNDER counting the workout credit (round down).

    Good luck!
  • The 0's on my diary are not what I have eaten but what I changed my mind and omitted. I should have taken them off. But I do keep right to the program. I just finished a high excerise 3 miles in 30 mins.

    I am in my late 60's, 5ft 4 and presently at 164. I am very good health but blood work is always excellent. But I can't get this weight off. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    You say you weigh your food but every banana you've entered for the past week has been a perfect 105g banana? I find it difficult to believe. The only conclusion I can come to if you're not losing weight over a few week period at your current claimed intake is you're under estimating food intake or overestimating calorie burns.

    Also, what is "haven't lost much weight?". To me, any weight loss is success. Maybe you're expecting too much at once? You definitely want a slow and steady loss, if this is the case.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    The 0's on my diary are not what I have eaten but what I changed my mind and omitted. I should have taken them off. But I do keep right to the program. I just finished a high excerise 3 miles in 30 mins.

    I am in my late 60's, 5ft 4 and presently at 164. I am very good health but blood work is always excellent. But I can't get this weight off. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    You say you're not losing weight, but have yet to quantify that. What has been your weight over the past 3 weeks?
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    Good for you: late 60s and running like the wind!

    Everyone else can disagree, but I find that the older I get, and the more messed up my hormones are, the more careful I have to be with all my food to see the scale more AT ALL!

    So, some things that I see consistently in your diary that you may not need: orange juice (it's as sugary as many pops...not worth your calories), pudding, chocolate. If it were me, I'd skip the OJ and pudding and let myself have a little chocolate here and there. Overall, it's a pretty good looking diary. I agree with others about quick-add calories. If adding it quickly lets you stay on track with logging, it's worth it. Otherwise, it can lead to copping out on how many calories you really consumed. I understand that it gets tedious to add every little thing.

    Also, nice username and pic! You must love flowers!
  • My weight since the first of the year has been the same. But now I think that maybe my fat and protein intake has been way to low. I do work out on a regular basis, six days a week. Six days of cadio and three of free weights. This morning I walked miles in 30 minutes.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    That's a great deal of exercise. When did you start this program?
  • I started with mfp the end of July and have never missed posting my food or excerising. Do you think my protein is too and fat could be too low.
  • Thanks for the suggestions. But now I wonder if my fat and protein are too low. Like this morning I did three miles with Leslie Sansone, three miles in thirty minutes. My work out includes six days weekly. Six days of cadio and three of free weight.
    My blood work is always excellent.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Protein levels, sugary drinks, etc, do not make any difference to your weight loss. A calorie deficit does.

    From looking at your diary, your sodium levels are quite high on some days; this can make you retain water and disguise weight loss. Also, are you really weighing and logging everything? I mean everything? How are you estimating your calorie burn? You also said you haven't lost 'much weight', well, what is 'much weight'? Because with only 10lb to go, you should be losing about 0.5lb a week.

    The fact of the matter is, if you aren't losing weight, you are probably eating more than you think or burning less than you think through exercise.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    From looking at your food diary, I do not think you are being completely honest about your food intake. You have several days where breakfast consists of a banana, OJ, 1 cup of milk, and brown sugar, with oatmeal included but with a 0 calorie intake. I would think that the milk and brown sugar would have been used to make the oatmeal. There are lots of other places where a food was included, but then the calories read zero. So either you are not being truthful about what you are actually eating, or you have something going on where you are planning on one meal but then changing to something else at the last minute. Either way it seems like the problem is with your eating and the amount of food.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions. But now I wonder if my fat and protein are too low. Like this morning I did three miles with Leslie Sansone, three miles in thirty minutes. My work out includes six days weekly. Six days of cadio and three of free weight.
    My blood work is always excellent.

    How are you measuring your calorie burn? Because "three miles" with Leslie Sansone is not the same as three miles outside or 3 10 min miles. 10 min miles would be running.
  • Setting aside the number on the scale for a moment, have your measurements changed?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You eat peanut butter. Do you portion it out by volume (tablespoons) or weight (grams)?
    Do you weigh or eyeball the peanuts?
    What about the brown sugar? Volume or weight?
    Bananas? Clearly you don't weigh your bananas because you log the exact same banana every time.

    Your calorie deficit is set pretty modest - like 200 calories before exercise. I think you're just eating more than you realize.
  • Thank you for the the suggestions and imput

    !. I am being very honest with my logging.

    2. I do measure and weigh very accurately not eyeballing

    3. The zeros on my diary are really things I DID NOT EAT but I should have delted the item instead of just putting a zero

    4. I have been extremely careful with my fitness log that also is been accurate.

    5. A number of people have accused me of not be honest with my food and exercise, but such is not the case.

    Today I have increase my fat (which was very low) and my protein.

    If you have any further advice I would appreciate hearing from you.

    Anyone that knows we can testify what I eat and they are amazed how committed I am with mfp.
