I can't stop eating!

I'm having a real problem with snacking. Or, not so much snacking but just not stopping eating.
I tend to wake up late so sometimes I skip breakfast, but other times when I have breakfast its still the same. Lunch comes around and I eat what ever I planned, and then, I go and add a couple of crispbreads. And then a cereal bar. And then some carrot sticks ...etc etc, and I only manage to stop when I physically have to leave the house for work. How do I stop doing this. If I didnt work in the afternoons I'm not sure I'd be able to stick to my calorie limit.
Does anyone else have this problem? It just seems that once i eat lunch some crazy eating switch in me is pushed!


  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    I took a peek at your diary, and I think you might want to try upping your protein intake by quite a bit, maybe even a bit more fat in some meals.
  • AJM127
    AJM127 Posts: 11 Member
    If you aren't hungry then try brushing your teeth.
  • Misssynth
    Misssynth Posts: 179 Member
    Upping my protien is so hard, seen as I'm pescatarian and lactose intolerant, and I dont like nuts. Haha. What else is high in protein, shall I try adding more eggs?
    AJM127 - I DO feel hungry though. I mean, I can't be really, but i feel it.
  • sati18
    sati18 Posts: 153 Member
    ^^ eggs, avocado, quorn products, tin of tuna or mackeral as a snack... when i find myself doing the constant grazing i do defintiely find that making a conscious effort to make my snacks protein based does make a big difference.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    When I'm bored - I'm the same. It helps me to chew sugarless gum, maybe try that?
  • Charlottie88
    If you skip breakfast, eat more lunch. I looked at your diary- You don't eat much at the beginning of the day- my lunch and breakfast usually comes to about 1000 cal. Maybe try upping your calories at the beginning of the day and lowering in the evening, and see if this makes any difference.i know when my hungriest time is so I plan based on that, to avoid binging/snacking.
  • Misssynth
    Misssynth Posts: 179 Member
    So ive decided to make sure i get up earlier and have a decent size breakfast as well as lunch, and also am trying to up my protein. Hopefully this will help. Thanks for the advice guys!!
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    I take breakfast to have when I get to work, means I don't stay in bed and skip it! Is that something you could try? I find the most filling breakfasts to be eggs, porridge or a bagel with cream cheese. I think it's because they all have a good balance of nutrients.
  • TheGoodEmu
    TheGoodEmu Posts: 31 Member
    I have EXACTLY the same problem, every single day UNLESS I work out. If I get my heart rate up for at least 25 minutes, it's like a switch that turns down my appetite to what I consider healthy - hungry for reasonably sized meals 3-5 times a day. I used to think this was simply that I didn't want to ruin my hard work, but this happens eve if I do the work without "working out" - ie, yard work, hiking, etc.

    i can't see your diary but if you are not working your heart every day, perhaps try this out. There is plenty of scientific evidence to suggest that cardio work affects many parts of the brain / glands in a positive way.

    As suggested above, you may also have a nutrition issue, though i have thought so i the past as well and upping my protein did not help. Perhaps a nutritionist would be helpful.

    Good luck - and remember that you are not alone in this struggle!