New to the community - Fitness Friends Needed!

Im new to the whole community part. Before I used to keep it private. Im in need of a few fitness friends who can help me along my journey.

Are there any members who suffer from Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome trying to lose weight? I would like you to add me as a friend, as I also suffer from this and anyone who has looked in to this syndrome will know its awful hard to lose the lbs!

My profile is private, I am willing to accept friend requests so please add me and I can see what you are all up to, how you are losing weight and how your diary is coming along!! I have lost 4lbs, although I did have a cheat on Friday. I had my favourite food for dinner - a chinese!!! Gosh, I didn't know their was so many calories. Oops!! But hey, you are aloud a treat.

Anyway, please add me and hopefully I can be inspired and you can be too!!