I just dont understand! I dont get what the problem is with me! :sad: my whole life I was of good weight and thin. Ive always been a healthy eater and I gained over fourty pounds in less than six months. Which I blamed to eating out constantly. Now I never really eat out at all. I was stuck at 192. I cut calories to 1500 and nothing. I did this for months with no exercise and lost MAYBE two pounds.

Ive gone to doctors no thyroid problems or diabetic nothing to keep this on or from happening. So now I joined this site and do 1200 calories with no exercise. I was going to the gym 7 days a week. Heard one day off is good now I go 6 days a week. I swim miles,run miles,walk miles,bike miles,and lift weights AND so far 3 pounds BUT everyday it goes from 188 to 190. I weigh in on the site on Mondays but look at scale everyday. I wear the same outfit everytime I work out and weigh in so Im not adding on weight by clothes. I dont eat ALL of my calories back from exercise. I just feel soo hopeless majority of the time :grumble: . Then last week I broke the 190s to the 188 and was soo excited today is sunday I got on scale and... 188.6 same exact weight as last week. WTH.

I feel like I was stuck on 192 with no counting calories, no exercise but now that I am counting calories and exercising for months now ive lost "3" pounds depending on the day I weigh in. So I just dont understand the problem. I wish I could go to a doctor here but its a long story on why I can not. I live in germany with the military. Its not offered to me. I wont give up Im just pissed that im working harder then eveer and NADA. I understand the theroy muscle weights more than fat. BUT Im pretty sure you gotta burn some of that fat for it to turn to muscle and someone whos bmi is -160 I dont have 30pounds of water weight or muscle. :angry: AND my measurements havent changed AT ALL. I dont know if my food dairy is open if not tell me how to do it cause hopefully I can get some insite. P.S. on the food dairy I eat everything thats on there just maybe not at those exact meal times.

ARG GRRR ARG!! Sorry I just needed to badly vent. :sad:


  • sherhop
    I know how you feel. I've been counting calories and exercising, but I lose & gain the same 2 pounds!! Don't lose hope or you will lose yourself
  • Dellie22
    Stop weighing everyday. It will just discourage you even more. Maybe it's the things that you are eating. I haven't looked at your diary, but if you are going over your sugar, fat or sodium intake, it can be just as bad as going over your calories.
    Do yet drink alot of water? The more water you drink, the faster your metabolism will be, therefore, It's easier to lose weight
  • Hi There - Totally understand the frustration. Any medications and/or birth control? They play a big part sometimes. Good Luck!!
  • Tammyblack
    Tammyblack Posts: 17 Member
    am no expert on these matters but I have been eating 900-1000 calories a day walk 40 minutes 5 days a week and have lost 28lbs in 3 months - I also cut out the alcohol - sounds silly but have you got a good quality pair of scales!
  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
    I use the scales at the gym the have a couple all over and Ill weigh on them and they are all the same so im going to say they are pretty good. But just incase they werent I took my measurements. Still not much change.

    I dont take birthcontrol , we have been trying to get prego for awhile now another huge reason why I want to lose weight. I take an anti depressant but I hasnt made me gain weight Ive been taking the same one for years even when I was at my thinnest and I dont think it had to much to do with it.

    I understand the weighing yourself everyday is discouragement but I feel wether I weigh once a week or every day it will always tell the truth.If I weigh once a week its not going to take off more just because I didnt look at it all week. I will look but not write it down. I only do that once a week monday when I looked today it was the same as last mondays weigh in so I cant imagen losing pounds by tomorrow. Ill try not to anymore I just want to see if my hard work is for something.

    maybe its what im eating I have no idea. But I cant see what else I could possbily eat better and like I said with never watching what I ate I was always in the 140s it seems like over a couple of months I blew up to the 190 still not watching what I ate I stayed at 192 for MONTHS. I decide to look at carbs and fat and sodium and nothing. I just hope one day it will all pay off.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Ok I looked at your journal and it looks good. My suggestions are to add watching sodium. Cheese has lots of sodium and you may be retaining fluids from the salt. Also I would increase your calories by 200 to 250 and see if that kicks starts you. Zig zagging seems to be helpful to kick start a loss. A couple of days of 1700 meals when you exercise a lot, a couple of days of 1200 and a few of 1500. If you stay at the same amount of calories you body adjusts quickly and will stop losing. Hang in there. With mixing things up you will find a formula that works for you. We all have nothing but time, right.:happy:
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    As the previous poster said, alternate your calories. I was eatting 1200 and got stuck at a plateau after just a few weeks. I upped my cals to 1430 (MFP's surgested amount) and the lbs have been coming off steadily ever since. I think I was eating too little for my tall ish frame. I'm 5ft 91/2. You mentioned that you are trying to get pregnsnt, do you trace you cycles? is an excelent website that can help you with that. I owe my daughter to the kind ladies there who helped me learn the charting process

  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
    As the previous poster said, alternate your calories. I was eatting 1200 and got stuck at a plateau after just a few weeks. I upped my cals to 1430 (MFP's surgested amount) and the lbs have been coming off steadily ever since. I think I was eating too little for my tall ish frame. I'm 5ft 91/2. You mentioned that you are trying to get pregnsnt, do you trace you cycles? is an excelent website that can help you with that. I owe my daughter to the kind ladies there who helped me learn the charting process


    To you and the previous poster I have been thinking about the same thing about maybe switching it up a little bit. Some days on 1200 calories im full sometimes im starving. Just depends. I guess tomorrow is a new day and a new week and ill just try something new.

    BTW... I actually do have a chart on! Just started doing that two months ago, My husband is in the army and leaves for afghanistan in Feb for a year so we are praying it happens before then! I want to lose weight to be healthy for a baby and hopefully not have baby weight on top of fat I had before :)
  • mamaDaisyJ
    Do you go to the gym at the same time every day? it's good that you are wearing the same clothes to weigh-in, but you also have to figure things like time of day, how much water so far, how many meals into the day, stuff like that. That's my only immediate thoughts. Good luck and remember, the simple act of trying will keep you moving in the right direction, so don't get discouraged!~
  • nicoledc
    I know exactly how you feel. Tues will be 1 month for me and I lost 2.5 pounds. I was down 4 pounds last week and ecstatic. Next day up a pound for no apparent reason. Yesterday back down 1/2 pound - this morning up 1.5 My point is you are not alone ! Just have to stick it out for the long haul - I exercise 5-6 days a week and will continue to do so. I go back to the doctor in October and am interested in what my blood tests will show. I had a rather high glucose test (125--supposed to be under 100). My doctor said even if I didn't lose any weight the exercise would bring all my numbers down so we'll see. At this point I am focusing on getting those numbers down - and I have to say, the exercise is making me feel so much better I sleep better and have more energy so I am trying not to be disappointed with the scale. I figure if I continue on this path the weight will come off at some point. I read that it may help to up the calorie count for a few days to jolt your metabollism and that's what I did for 2 days y - gained 1.5 since I did that so who knows what does and does not work. It's a battle for sure.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member

    To you and the previous poster I have been thinking about the same thing about maybe switching it up a little bit. Some days on 1200 calories im full sometimes im starving. Just depends. I guess tomorrow is a new day and a new week and ill just try something new.


    I agree with eating more and alternating your calories.

    I also agree with tracking sodium. You seem to eat a lot of ready made food? I'm not sure of the brand names so forgive me if I'm wrong there. Ready prepared food always has added sodium. Try eating fresh meat/chicken/fish + fresh veg. Soups and sauces are again, loaded with salt.

    Also, the default carb allowance on here is too high. And the protein allowance too low for someone exercising a lot! Try adjusting it to 40 carb, 30 protein, 30 fat. Or 35/35/30. Too many unused carbs sits in your muscles as glycogen and is stored with 3x water!! If not used as energy, then gets stored as fat! :noway: Sodium stores water too!! And when you exercise, to repair your muscles, your muscles store water and needs protein to repair them!! That's all apart from the normal female hormonal cycle! I know, its a bloomin water nightmare!! :laugh:

    The thing is with any diet and exercise is that your body soon adjusts. Its very clever :bigsmile: So you should try and get out of your routine to trick the body. Eat different! Exercise different!

    So, there are few things you could try.

    I really feel for you and know when you try so hard and dont see results its so frustrating :grumble:

    good luck :flowerforyou:
  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
    so I weighed in today (where I actually add it to the site) and...188.6 same as last monday. So Ive changed my profile from 2 lbs a week at 1200 calories to 1.5 lbs a week at 1490 calories which I hope will help and maybe working out will help with the .5lbs. I dont know but we will try this for a week or two and see how it goes.

    Ive thought as well that maybe I need to stop logging my exercises. On here it says that it cant really log strength training/ weight lifting because its hard to know really how many calories have been burned.And I weight lift everyday. And while running on treadmill I wasnt checking what the machine said and just logging it then when I did check on machine it was off by maybe 100+ calories. (no telling whos right)So maybe I have been eating too much cause I thought I was eating work out calories.

    SOOOO..hopefully this will work! wish me luck everyone
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    Agree with AnnaPixie...seems like you should add a bit more protein. Have a protein/carb combo for each meal, and try to cut some of the processed foods. You're eating a lot of crackers, switch those out to whole grains. I have been doing "Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads"; it is a 50-25-25 plan, eat a carb/protein combo every 4 hours. She makes it quite simple and her book has lots of ideas to get you started. Also, you are eating too few calories, esp. with the amount of exercise you're getting. Good luck!!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Good luck for next week, I hope that the changes to your plan will help
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Up your protein, lower your carbs, replace watching cholesterol with watching sugar intake, and zig zag your calories as previously mentioned. Hang in there NO MATTER WHAT; you can break through this plateau. And this is just me, but unless you really love exercising, I would even suggest cutting back to 3-4 times a week; sounds like you are already mixing up what you do, which is a good thing.
  • FlashBang
    Yo Yo Dieting can really mess up your metabolism. It may just take your body some time to adjust to a healthy, normal, eating pattern. When, let me say that again, When it does you will loose all the weight you want. Working out with weights is a great idea. It will cause temporary weight gain, then, you shed pounds like you are taking off clothes. There is also a inflammatory response after every work out that causes you to retain fluid. Stick with a sensible program, it seems you have one, and you will reach your goals. BTW I schedule two rest days Wed and Sun, I only work out five days a week. I alternate cardio, tire flipping and hammering, a little cycling, and a little swimming. The weight training gets a 24-48 hour rest in between, no exceptions. Your body needs recovery time. I don't recall if you do cardio, if not, I heard that cardio and weight training combined burns 800% more fat than either alone. That from Ben Greenfield quoting some study.
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    Agree with AnnaPixie...seems like you should add a bit more protein. Have a protein/carb combo for each meal, and try to cut some of the processed foods. You're eating a lot of crackers, switch those out to whole grains. I have been doing "Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads"; it is a 50-25-25 plan, eat a carb/protein combo every 4 hours. She makes it quite simple and her book has lots of ideas to get you started. Also, you are eating too few calories, esp. with the amount of exercise you're getting. Good luck!!

    I also recommend "Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads." It is a book by a nutritionist. I have read a lot of nutrition/weight loss books but this one made a lot of sense to me.

    Good luck! I AM SO SORRY that that STUPID weight is hanging on like that. Keep it up and some day you will kick it's butt!!!!!!!!!!
  • irishpagan
    This is totally unrelated, but I love your hair and your tattoos are fabulous!!!
  • sslin2535
    Try to eat all or most your calories before 6pm and see what happen.
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    I don't know your medical situation but if you have been trying to conceive for awhile have you been screened for PCOS? My sister-in-law who had problems conceiving and losing weight has PCOS. Good news she did conceive and now has a five year old son and is expecting a baby in December (not planned but a nice surprise) They way she explained it to me is she loses weight but slowly and gains it back easily (she lost 50 pounds on Weight Watchers after her first son) it took her twice as long to lose the weight as most people but what I saw her do during the process was stay consistent and exercise. Some months she only lost a 1/2 pound and some months she lost two, but she just kept going. If your husband is in the military you should have access to medical care. I lose weight slowly too so I know how frustrating that can be.:flowerforyou: