A quick and healthy dessert idea!!

62smt Posts: 15 Member
This is adapted from the South Beach Diet, which counts among my former attempts at losing weight. (Actually, the first two weeks on the SBD are great for reducing sugar cravings, but I found it difficult to stay with the diet in the long run.)

This makes one serving and is adaptable in several ways, so have fun experimenting!

The base of the dessert is part-skim ricotta cheese--1/4 cup, 1/2 cup, whatever you want and can afford calorie-wise--plus a packet of stevia, splenda, or your sweetner of choice.

Add to the base your choice of low-calorie flavorings, to taste--my favorites are cocoa (I prefer dark chocolate cocoa, sometimes with a spoonful of natural peanut butter, if I have the calories to spare) or lemon juice.

Mix and eat!

If you want a lighter consistency, mix in a small dollop of Cool Whip.

This is quick to make and not too calorie-heavy. The total calories depend, of course, on the combination you make.



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    This would be delicious with nutella and/or PB2.
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    My quick and easy healthy dessert idea is 2 servings of Edy's Slow Churn Caramel Delight ice cream. Scoop and enjoy.