wanna Lose 15.3 pounds before my wedding next june!

Hello my name is Elizabeth and I just recently got engaged over the holidays and getting married june 13th 2015!
I would love to lose about 15.3 pounds and tone up my stomach butt and thighs! i do eat alot of veggies and fruits and chicken and even fish and do zumba about once a week if that... as well as I eat maybe once a day two at most.... what do I need to to do or any tips to complete my goal? :)


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    To lose fat, eat fewer calories and/or burn more calories by increasing your activity level. Let us know which part you need help with.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    You've got a sensible and attainable goal. Set your calorie target to lose 0.5 lb per week and you'll have a calorie allowance that's sustainable and doesn't leave you deprived.

    In terms of "toning" add some form of strength training to your routine to preserve muscle while you lose weight - this will ensure that the majority of your weight loss comes from fat and not muscle.