Sex tips!!!!!

Jkkk...but no one ever seems to look at the posts labeled 'looking for friends' or something equally boring and overused soo now that I have your attention!

Hello everyone, so first off I'm not new to mfp, I've been using it on and off for about two years, and I've accumulated several friends in that time. However, while I have several friends, I've realized there are very few of which I actually know much of anything about, besides what their profile says. That being said, I'm looking for some mfp friends that would like to get to know each other on a slightly more personal level, to message back and forth, and to really motivate each other, beyond the simple 'wtg' comments and what not. If this is something you're interested in add me, message me, tell me your story...:)


  • maaka1981
    maaka1981 Posts: 140 Member
    Wow interesting subject trick. I agreed