I've hit critical mass

This is my first time on this site, and I'm here for many reasons but the number one reason I guess is to hold myself accountable. I always start out with great expectations and high ambition but always end up having a hard time staying motivated. I had decided along time ago that if I ever got over 150lbs, that I would do something about it and loose weight. Well, 150 came and went, 50lbs and 10yrs ago. Now I've gotten to a point that I call critical mass (200lbs.) and its time for a change. I don't like feeling as though I can't do all of the things I would like to or as well as I would like to do them. So, here I am trying to make a healthy change in my life. I'd like to get down to 120lbs. though at this point I'd be happy with 130lbs. (what I weighed my senior year of high school). I've always been extremely active and fairly muscular but have also always been overweight, I don't know what its like to be thin or have the body that others envy. With that, I've always been extremely insecure about my self image and have missed out on a lot of things socially because of that. I don't want that to be the case anymore.


  • PaigeO88
    PaigeO88 Posts: 6 Member
    Accountability is the key. Writing down every single thing you eat really makes you reflect on how much you're eating and empty calories.

    You're off to a great start! Stay positive!
  • redfiona99
    redfiona99 Posts: 116 Member
    Sounds similar to my reasoning. Good luck and best wishes.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    This is my first time on this site, and I'm here for many reasons but the number one reason I guess is to hold myself accountable. I always start out with great expectations and high ambition but always end up having a hard time staying motivated. I had decided along time ago that if I ever got over 150lbs, that I would do something about it and loose weight. Well, 150 came and went, 50lbs and 10yrs ago. Now I've gotten to a point that I call critical mass (200lbs.) and its time for a change. I don't like feeling as though I can't do all of the things I would like to or as well as I would like to do them. So, here I am trying to make a healthy change in my life. I'd like to get down to 120lbs. though at this point I'd be happy with 130lbs. (what I weighed my senior year of high school). I've always been extremely active and fairly muscular but have also always been overweight, I don't know what its like to be thin or have the body that others envy. With that, I've always been extremely insecure about my self image and have missed out on a lot of things socially because of that. I don't want that to be the case anymore.

    It's time to start living again my lovely. Just read read read! Ask questions, make friends, you'll find a way. Most people do.
  • annastasia_82
    annastasia_82 Posts: 940 Member
    Thank you :)
  • StunningLegerity
    StunningLegerity Posts: 193 Member
    200 lbs was my critical weight too! Feel free to add me and we can help each other. I'm down to 172 lbs!
  • annastasia_82
    annastasia_82 Posts: 940 Member
    Ya'll are so wonderful. Thank you for the immediate support.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Congrats for wanting to hold yourself accountable and for taking the first step. We're here to help support you and I'm sure you'll find many friends to help keep you accountable. The trick is to remember that you need to hear what they're telling you, good and bad. :wink:

    I did want to comment on "I don't know what its like to be thin or have the body that others envy." Worry less about anyone envying your body and work for the body that YOU envy. If you try to live up to others' expectations, your self esteem will always be low. Live up to your own instead.

    Good luck!
  • annastasia_82
    annastasia_82 Posts: 940 Member
    "Worry less about anyone envying your body and work for the body that YOU envy. If you try to live up to others' expectations, your self esteem will always be low. Live up to your own instead."

    Thank you for that. :) We certainly live in a society where we are taught to judge ourselves by others, its sometimes hard to only measure ourselves by our standards not someone else's.
  • Mkstehle
    Mkstehle Posts: 25 Member
    I am right where you are. I start off great, then motivation stops. Low self esteem also. MFP has helped a lot, even though I've only been on it a few weeks. I'm sending you a friend request.
  • LovinHISWORD
    LovinHISWORD Posts: 13 Member
    It's a journey. We're on it together, learn with us!
  • Welcome. Do me a favor, and DONT. GIVE. UP. Results come, and go. And go again. Discouragement is abundant, but so are rewards. Ive lost 80 lbs. Gained some back and still feel fat. I dont think that insecurity goes away (maybe with time).

  • kristilynnhales
    kristilynnhales Posts: 14 Member
    “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”

    ― Earl Nightingale
  • annastasia_82
    annastasia_82 Posts: 940 Member
    I will take all the help (aka, a kick in the pants) that I can get. lol. I have to say the positive attitudes of everyone on here is absolutely wonderful.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Be patient, it takes time to figure out a plan and then for the plan to work. Trial & error, ups & downs but you fail only if you give up! Take care, good luck.
  • You need to focus on yourself and look in the mirror each morning and say * I can do this * I will do this!
    Believe in yourself.. Start one day with a smile on your face Make yourself happy
    I realize this journey down is tough but you can do it Just keep at it write your daily journey each day.
    Start slowly exercise so you can work yourself into it.. Plan your meals and enjoy life..
    * I hope this helps.. YOU can do this... Just take time * secret is never quit no matter what..
  • You can do this, and this is a wonderful place to find support!!!!
  • annastasia_82
    annastasia_82 Posts: 940 Member
    Well I've gotten good at the failing part, so now its time to get good at the achieving part. I'll figure out how to get it done.

    My fiancé and I prep meals now for the entire week on Sunday/Monday night. ( He works a 60hour week and I work an 80 week). The meals/snacks are carefully picked to provide the right kind of energy (long/slow/both) depending on the type of work we are doing at certain times. Two days a week I work on a beef cattle farm, so on those days I eat a good breakfast packed with protein. On the days that I work as a lab tech during the day and tax preparer at night, I start the day with oatmeal and peanut butter for both quick energy and long releasing energy ( I look in a microscope at 5am, I need to wake up quick), then I have a "dinner" type meal for lunch to provide me with the energy to last through my work day that ends around 10 pm and a salad for dinner. I sneak in an orange for a mid morning snack and a smoothie between lunch and dinner. As for exercise it gets tricky because of my schedule. But when I have a few free hours I take my two dogs for a run or a long walk through the woods. I also get lots of cardio and weight training working on a farm. On the few nights that I get to watch tv, I am usually lifting weights or doing squats or something on my exercise ball. Its not perfect and I can do more, but I'm building it up. I've tried just diving right in full throttle in the past and that has never worked.
  • ahubbard134
    ahubbard134 Posts: 61 Member
    Sounds like a good plan -- building up is way better than full throttle. Don't hinge your self-esteem on being perfect every single day. Doing good on most days will get you your results!!