Working out with Tooth issues

I seriously feel like subconsciously I am telling myself this is an excuse to getting out of working out but I know it totally isn't. Right before Christmas I had one of my back molars fixed because my filling had come loose and was falling out. A new cavity had started to form under where it was coming off of the tooth. My Dentist drilled it out and filled it in but warned me that there was still a possibility of a root canal since the new cavity was so close to the root.

Fast forward to a week ago. At this point I had already been working out 5 days a week. I came home and did my cardio workout and after it was done I noticed that same molar was throbbing, just the same way it was when I found out the filling was coming out. I didn't think much of it and carried on the rest of the week with my workouts. Friday {last Friday}, I did cardio and the throbbing was worse and that night noticed my gum was swelling up.

Over the weekend I developed an abscess. Luckily for me it wasn't/isn't painful but the throbbing was/is still there whenever my h/r gets up. I know that an abscess is an infection so for the sake of my health, I didn't workout all weekend {or Monday}. I was finally able to see my Dentist this morning {I called her over the weekend but she was out of town. She did put a prescription in for me so ive been taking Amoxicillin} and sure enough I need a root canal.

My question is, can I still workout or should I workout with this abscess? The throbbing isn't super painful, just annoying but that's not what im worried about. I don't want it to effect anything health wise, or get worse before my root canal.

I have been making sure to keep up and stay on track with eating clean and watching my calorie intake but man I was going good there, was so motivated and then bam, this abscess popped up and totally put a damper on my motivation. Here I am trying to be healthy, im eating healthy and this happened. It's like taking 1 step forward, 2 steps back. Ugh!


  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    You should be fine to continue working out as long as you are getting enough water. The amoxicillin will prevent the infection from spreading.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Uh, no don't work out if it's hurting you. Elevating your heart rate is pumping blood more quickly to that area which is why it's throbbing. Allow your body to dedicate resources to fighting the infection.

    You don't have to ruin your program just because you aren't able to work out in the short term, be strict about your diet and try to increase activity that doesn't elevate your heart rate so much. Try adding in some extra walking- either dedicated walks or just throughout the day- or maybe some yoga, something like that.

    Once the infection is under control, you probably can resume your plan before the root canal.
  • victoria090
    victoria090 Posts: 82 Member
    MoreBean is right! I've been in dental for almost 10 years...just take it easy until you have the root canal done - I'd suggest maybe just some light cardio or something like that.

    p.s - make sure you get a crown on that tooth after the root canal ;)
  • Kaylyn221
    Kaylyn221 Posts: 123
    Thank you everyone!

    @victoria090 They will be giving me a temp one first until I get the permanent one :)