Hello from Eastcoast Canada

Hey everyone,

4 Years ago I was diagnosed Type II Diabetic. I did nothing but take meds advised by my doctor of 20 years. He died last year to a heart attack. I finally acquired a new local doctor/nutritionist. He asked if I want to live long enough to enjoy life and see my kids grow up.

After getting struck with a bad case of Vertigo last summer, on August 29 I made the lifestyle change. I have developed my own food lifestyle based on actual blood/sugar level logging / charting / comparing and inspired by known low carb diets but its a lifestyle to me and also includes daily fitness.

6 Months later I have lost 26 pounds, turning any additional fat weight into muscle weight. I am off all meds now! While I do monitor my blood/sugar levels the average is 5.4 mmol/l = 97.2 mg/dl daily. The tingling feeling in my toes is gone, my vision has improved, my energy is 3 fold and so much more.

I have never charted my daily calories with an online app so my initial reason to sign up here was to do just that. But I see there is a passionate community and I am excited to have joined. :)

Peace. Someday when I get some more time, I will be launching my own site to help inspire others. www.itsyourwakeupcall.com (yes I registered the domain)

Nice to meet you all!
From Eastcoast Canada