Looking for Low(er) Calorie Chocolate Cake

echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
I'm making a birthday cake (possibly cupcakes) to bring into work for some of my colleagues. It's been requested that I bring in something chocolate, but last time I made a chocolate cake it just seemed to be a million calories a slice (Okay, like 500, but still a lot!). While I still intend to put frosting on it, it would be nice to cut at least some of the calories out since pretty much everyone in my office is trying to watch their weight. I want something they don't have to feel so bad about eating.

Does anyone have any good recipes that they've tried? Since it's still a birthday, I don't want a cake that sacrifices a ton of taste. If all else fails I can go for a traditional cake, but I figured I'd give it a shot!
