Vitamins and such.

somethingvague Posts: 64
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So not exactly about weight loss, more about health...but just wondering what everyone takes vitamin-wise?

I never used to take anything growing up. A couple of weeks ago I started taking a multi-vitamin and a vitamin d everyday, but I know there are a few others that are reccomended daily...(like omega-3s....which I plan to buy but are fairly expensive)

I don't drink milk at all (I just don't like the taste)...but I do drink chocolate soy milk, eat a lot of yogurt and light I may/ may not need to take a calcium pill. Also, I was thinking about taking an iron pill because I didn't eat meat for years until about a month ago when I started again.....but yeah, I find it very confusing..haha, literally everytime I do groceries I stand in the vitamin aisle and stare for 10 minutes and then walk away, haha. Maybe I just watch Dr. Oz too much :)

I do know that since I've changed my eating I get way, way more vitamins and nutrients than I ever used to...but still, I know it's hard to actually get everything you're supposed to.

So just curious what other peoples daily vitamin routine is?


  • carmencelia
    carmencelia Posts: 4 Member
    HI. Vitamins and adequate protein are essential to any diet. All of your organs need certain vitamins and minerals to function at their highest level of efficiency and when you are on a diet, you limit your access to all of these vital essentials for your body so taking supplements assures that you get what you need. Protein is not only important to maintaining a good muscle structure to support those bones, but it will also prevent hair loss from dieting. Remember, your heart is a muscle. You don't need to take iron supplements unless your doctor tells you that you need them. You will get enough of most of what you need with a good multiple vitamin w/minerals. Using this site will help you keep an eye on your intake of protein, etc as well as helping you to limit your carbs and fats to a healthy level. I wish you lots of luck in your efforts to change your habits to a healthy lifestyle. It isn't easy but the rewards can last you a lifetime.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I take a multi vitamin, as well as vitamin B chewables, cause I like them best :happy: and coq12,
  • I was taking one a days, but they make me queasy. I pop flintstones chewables with the kids now...
  • My doctor told me that I should focus on eating my vitamins in my food and stop worrying about taking them in pill form. For starters, your body absorbs it better from food, secondly because if you're eating a healthy and balanced diet you shouldn't need to supplement it anyway, thirdly because so many of our basic food items are fortified (by law they must be) with essential vitamins anyway, and lastly because you can indeed overdose if you're taking too much.

    I think I'm mostly suprised by the fact that you are taking a vitamin d pill too...Does your multivitamin not already contain vitamin D? Do you not get in the sunlight very often? Vit. D is one of the few vitamins we make ourselves so I don't understand why you are taking a vitamin d pill ontop of a multi vit...Mostly, vitamin pills are harmless but it seems crazy that you should be on so many.

    Cheese and yoghurt, in fact ANY dairy product, are fantastic sources of calcium. Too much calcium though and you will give yourself kidney stones.

    If you are afraid you have a deficiency (such as iron as you mention) of any sort you need to speak to your doctor about it. A friend of mine discovered she had a vit B12 deficiency. She started taking pills to correct this but it wasn't building her levels back strong enough so she's currently undergoing a course of injections...this is not pleasant for her, but the pills just couldn't help her out and she'd abused her body with such a poor and unbalanced diet for so long that she really has no choice if she wants to get better again.

    I don't think anyone would ever discourage from taking a multivitamin once a day, but as long as you're eating properly this really should be enough!
  • iambrandice
    iambrandice Posts: 157 Member
    I personally like Women's One-a-Day. It's got so many good vitamins, including iron, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc, etc. As long as you take it with food, it shouldn't make you feel sick or anything.

    It's also good to look at your food diary and see which vitamins you aren't really getting in your diet, and then base your decision on this. I do this when I plan for dinner. If I see that I haven't had much calcium, I'll make sure to drink milk at dinner, or if I haven't had much fiber, I'll get a wrap or sandwich for dinner.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I take multivitamins, calcium w/ vitamin D and salmon oil for the omega 3's..........

    I buy mine from a website called usually have special going on buy 1 get 2 free, so I stock up.

    I use to think I didn't need vitamins, but the food we eat daily, isnt enough to give us our daily requirement in some areas, so the vitamins do come in handy.
  • Firesign
    Firesign Posts: 169 Member
    I totally agree with EATING your Vitamins. I do take (2) 1000mg of vitamin D3 everyday... my doctor's orders...... Because I work in a radiology clinic doing mammograms windows.. so not able to get my needed vitamin D from the sun. But if you eat healthy I see no reason for vitamin pills. Just my 2 cents worth...lolol
  • I take a one a day vitamin. I would never do extra on any fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K). The extra you take is actually stored in fat. Water soluble vitamins will just be flushed out of your system through urine if you do not need it. You can get enough protein without eating meat, you just need to learn how to get that protein. Soy and tempeh are great sources. Many people say they do not like the taste, but in reality it is tasteless. It takes on the flavor of whatever is mixed in with it. I would also suggest eating as many fruits and vegetables as you can. You really do not hear stories of people saying I was skinny and healthy until I started eating too many fruits and/or vegetables.
  • panjabi
    panjabi Posts: 70 Member
    i take a one a day probiotic a-z multivitamins.

    getting them from food is best but i think ensures you get what you need.

    this is a question I've wondered about myself so will be interested in what others think too.

  • I think I'm mostly suprised by the fact that you are taking a vitamin d pill too...Does your multivitamin not already contain vitamin D? Do you not get in the sunlight very often? Vit. D is one of the few vitamins we make ourselves so I don't understand why you are taking a vitamin d pill ontop of a multi vit...Mostly, vitamin pills are harmless but it seems crazy that you should be on so many.

    Worked overnights for years, don't get that much sunlight...was told to take Vitamin D.

    On so many? I take TWO!!!! Haha. I know some people who take 10-15 pills a day.
  • snookeroo
    snookeroo Posts: 2,008 Member
    I take a multi and omega 3.

    I am reading "The Complete Idiots Guide to Vitamins & Minerals" third edition. This book is very easy to understand and explains each vitamin and what foods we can find them in. It also explains which vitamins you may want to focus on to help with certain conditions.
    Of course, it is always best to get your vitamins from food. As someone said (Lithuria), if you eat right that's all you need. But, as this book states "Who's that mythical...person? Not anyone we know."
    Multivitamins give you the MINIMUM daily requirement. And we certainly need more than just the minimum.
    As far as vitamin d...unless you live in the southern region (Georgia or below), you do not get enough vitamin d from the sun.
    Plus, many factors like stress, illness, poor eating, environment, deplete us of certain vitamins. Vitamin supplements are a good "insurance".
    Get this book (check your local library). It really is very easy to read and very informative. Interesting, too. Learn the facts!
  • I take a one a day vitamin. I would never do extra on any fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K). The extra you take is actually stored in fat. Water soluble vitamins will just be flushed out of your system through urine if you do not need it. You can get enough protein without eating meat, you just need to learn how to get that protein. Soy and tempeh are great sources. Many people say they do not like the taste, but in reality it is tasteless. It takes on the flavor of whatever is mixed in with it. I would also suggest eating as many fruits and vegetables as you can. You really do not hear stories of people saying I was skinny and healthy until I started eating too many fruits and/or vegetables.

    Not worried about protein...even when I was veg, I got tonnes of protein. But iron is harder to get without meat, I struggled to get iron. Although now that I'm eating meat, I think I'm okay.

    And yeah, fruits and veggies are already about 70% of my daily I'm all good there. I just know even with a balanced diet, it's very hard to get what you need.

    I was mostly just wondering about omega-3's....since most doctors agree they should be taken.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I take cod liver oil 1000mg with Vitamins A & D.

    "Contains Omega3 nutrients EPA and DHA, traditionally used to maintain joint mobility. Cod liver oil provides vitamins A and D requried for maintaining healthy hair, skin, nails and eyes, sound teeth and strong bones."

    I think that just about covers the things I care about at my age! :laugh:

    I do try and eat salmon, avocado's and nuts too, but sometimes i'm busy eating other stuff, so forget. Dont think you can get enough EFA's, so no harm popping a capsule :wink:

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
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