Set Backs

It's a funny thing, but my dog and I have been trying to lose 9 pounds together. I'm always trying to lose weight and have slowly lost most of the 30+ lbls I've been working on since my early 20s. Anyway, the vet said Ember needed to lose 9 lbs, so I thought it would be fun to focus together. Between the vet scale and the groomer scale, I've come to the horrible discovery as of last week that my scale at home weighs 2 lbs lighter than reality. This means, I'm actually 2 lbs heaiver than I thought I was. Why this put me into such a funk and depression, I don't know. But since that realization, I've gained 2 lbs and feel defeated. I know this is sill and crazy, but it is what I'm going through. At first I entered my true weight into MFP and thought I'd just adjust every time I weighed myself. However, I found it too depressing to add 2 lbs to the number I see. So I decided to just lower my goal weight by 2 lbs, By the time I decided to make this adjustment, I gained the 2 lbs. Anyway, as you can see, I'm spinning and sinking. Words of advice and support would be helpful, as all I can see is a setback.


  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Dont let the scale get you down, or the additional 2 pounds. Just push forward and focus on getting to where you want to be.

    You and your dog can do this.

  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    We've all been there (in a weight funk) -- at least I know I have.

    My intial thought is...Wouldn't your intial weight (when you started on mfp) have been two pounds heavier too? Meaning you did lose the amount of weight you thought you lost.

    Regardless, here are a few suggestions:

    1. Maybe you could just start weighing yourself in the nude (assuming you don't already).... that will take off a little weight too.
    2. Or, maybe go spend some time in an infared sauna... I heard they burn up to 600 calories an hour. A couple evenings in there will take a few pounds off!
    3. Or, just keep your scale on the same setting as when you started -- don't change it -- just assume the vet's scale is off! The error is on their side. :)
    4. Another idea: take your pup out for a walk. In 15 or 20 minutes, you'll get the endorphin rush, so your brain will be chemically tricked into feeling better.

    Take a few DEEP breaths, call a sympathetic friend to vent your frustration, or take a bubble bath and start over, but whatever you do... don't turn to Ben & Jerry!

    Good luck.
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    My scale is 6 lbs lighter then the on @ my dr's office. So I specifically go by my scale for my weight loss. I'll worry about those 6 pounds later... That's what i tell myself
  • angiereid
    personally i think the scale is your enemy lol, i know we need to check to see our progress however do not make it your life, i do the same thing sometimes and it drives me crazy. i have to step back and say its just a number and your working on getting healthier. first i can say on any given day i am 2-6 pounds heavier depending on what i do that day or eat for that matter if i go overboard on my salt etc... if i do a lot of cardio and lifting my muscles hold a lot of water as well. with that said i also have the wii and it is also about 2 pounds lighter than my bathroom scale, 4 pounds lighter than my doctor scale, so your saying omg now what well here is what i did. One pick one scale and stick to that one, base your weight loss off of that one you use everyday, weigh yourself at the same time everyday as well. when you go the doctors and it says you are heavier than you were at home chalk it up, you know what you are from your scale. As you lose no matter what scale you use it will go down. also sometimes the scale might not move but your clothes feel better, bottom line don't drive yourself crazy who is to say what scale is right, and you may be losing inches as well hope that helps!!!!!