Dukan can anyone help

I have started the dukan and have done the attack for two days I can now move on to the next phase the problem is I am starting to feel sick already of protien ...anyone got any tips to motivate me and keep me going ? And did you find you find this diet easy ?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    stop thinking short term diet, start thinking long term lifestyle change...

    i have heard of a lot of people having success on ducan, but if you're sick of eating only protein after 2 days, its hardly a sustainable plan for you!
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    Thinking I may be slightly sick as its the attack where you can't have any veg at all! Looking for some tasty ideas now I can move on I know it will be a bit easier ...
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    Please, don't do this diet.
    I did it, about ten years ago when M. Dukan just released his book called 'Je ne sais pas maigrir' ('I don't know how to lose weight')
    It seemed written for me. It was not. I lost about 19lbs in 9 months. Without eating any carbs, any fat, no fruits (I mean, SERIOUSLY, NO FRUITS?!).

    I was dizzy all the the time, I lost my hair, my smile and my social life.

    When I stopped the diet, overnight, because I couldn't stand it anymore, I put the weight back on twice as fast it came off. And then some. It took me a very long time to recover. Physically, of course, and emotionnally. I was complete mess, bordeline ED, scared of food.

    If I may add, about 5 days ago, Dukan got banned from the "Ordre des Médecins" (basically this is the Official Doctor association in France)
    He's not a Doctor anymore. He's facing several law suits for prescribing diet pills to his patients, for turning medecine into a business and because this diet sucks!

    Please, take an hour or so to read his book carefully. You'll see that he writes like a guru would.
    Everything he says is so supposed to be gold. If you follow the rules, all the rules, all the time with absolutely no window for when 'life happens' you'll succeed. If not, if you make ONE tiny step on the side, you'll fail and it's gonna be your fault.

    Life happens! This guy is dangerous. Nobody and I MEAN nobody has succeeded in the long run. Even here in France, where is considered as a 'miracle worker' (that being less and less true, thank God!)

    I can't believe how I got stuck in this mess. He takes credit for everything good (short time good, I insist) and finds a way to blame his patients for EVERY fail!

    GET THE HELL OUT before you metabolism is so screwed up, you'll have a lot of trouble trying to be healthy again.

    Feel free to rant, to tell me I'm a hater and I should rut in hell or add me as a friend to say 'thanks' but please don't do this to your body!
  • lmd_1979
    lmd_1979 Posts: 130
    You need to stay away from fady diets, they don't work in the long run. This is about changing your eating habits forever.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    You need to stay away from fady diets, they don't work in the long run. This is about changing your eating habits forever.

  • dezb64
    dezb64 Posts: 109 Member
    You need a balance of lean protein, vegetables, fruits (carbs) and fats to survive. Any diet that totally eliminates one and is not safe or good for the long term.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    wow... i looked this up.... leans meats and oat bran all day? RUFKM?

    talk about orthorexia induced micronutrient deficiencies, messed up hormones, and poor brain function..

    that diet is worse than the dumbest crap i could think of while huffing ether.... run run run

    ETA: dont feel bad... i did a master cleanse years ago... inform yourself and abandon this kinda junk... its poison
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    One of my coworkers did the Dunkan diet and got sick after 3 days. She lost only 2 lbs and gained it back plus some more. I've tried to tell her about MFP, explain to her about how diets don't work like this but she refuses to listen. Meanwhile I've steadily lost 200+ over the past few years by simply using MFP.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Even IF Dukan was balanced and healthy, and it is not, it's just wrong. It teaches you that you can have unlimited amounts of some foods and you should ban all the other foods. This is just not sustainable in the long term. As long as you have reached your target weight and start eating carbs again you are in big trouble because you're still in the "I can eat how much I want" mindset and you learned nothing about portion control, macronutrients and moderation.
    I know 3/4 women that have been on Dukan and all of them gained most of the weight back because of this.
  • S1inky
    S1inky Posts: 21 Member
    What have you actually eaten to make you feel sick? Maybe you are sick.

    I have been doing my version of the dukan for 2 wks. I do have a metabolic disorder, so cannot go on diets where you get hungry, or any of the detox plans. Or just one meal a day or shakes/soups. I wont eat anything I dont like - ever.

    Ask yourself what are you missing? What I have learnt: is that we are all different and need different things at different times. Maybe you should buy more organic produce, improve your cooking method. Try using one of those non stick ceramic frying pans - no oil is necessary.

    I dont think I have over eaten to feel sick, or not eaten enough to feel sick. I havent been doing the exercises either yet.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Please, don't do this diet.
    I did it, about ten years ago when M. Dukan just released his book called 'Je ne sais pas maigrir' ('I don't know how to lose weight')
    It seemed written for me. It was not. I lost about 19lbs in 9 months. Without eating any carbs, any fat, no fruits (I mean, SERIOUSLY, NO FRUITS?!).

    I was dizzy all the the time, I lost my hair, my smile and my social life.

    When I stopped the diet, overnight, because I couldn't stand it anymore, I put the weight back on twice as fast it came off. And then some. It took me a very long time to recover. Physically, of course, and emotionnally. I was complete mess, bordeline ED, scared of food.

    If I may add, about 5 days ago, Dukan got banned from the "Ordre des Médecins" (basically this is the Official Doctor association in France)
    He's not a Doctor anymore. He's facing several law suits for prescribing diet pills to his patients, for turning medecine into a business and because this diet sucks!

    Please, take an hour or so to read his book carefully. You'll see that he writes like a guru would.
    Everything he says is so supposed to be gold. If you follow the rules, all the rules, all the time with absolutely no window for when 'life happens' you'll succeed. If not, if you make ONE tiny step on the side, you'll fail and it's gonna be your fault.

    Life happens! This guy is dangerous. Nobody and I MEAN nobody has succeeded in the long run. Even here in France, where is considered as a 'miracle worker' (that being less and less true, thank God!)

    I can't believe how I got stuck in this mess. He takes credit for everything good (short time good, I insist) and finds a way to blame his patients for EVERY fail!

    GET THE HELL OUT before you metabolism is so screwed up, you'll have a lot of trouble trying to be healthy again.

    Feel free to rant, to tell me I'm a hater and I should rut in hell or add me as a friend to say 'thanks' but please don't do this to your body!

    ^ I like rants like this. Pay attention, OP, and stay away from the fads and "miracle workers." Your weight is a matter of calories in vs calories out, and what you eat only matters in terms of nutrition content, not weight loss.