spinach recipes

Kayzia_M Posts: 97 Member
im trying to increase my intake of greens. i happen to love Spinach, but only know how to make it in a stew, which although still healthy can have a few too many calories, as it is made with Palm Oil. i would like to find some simple spinach recipes that i can easily make.


  • baileysmom4
    baileysmom4 Posts: 242 Member
    I like to chop up a bit, saute it in a little Pam, then scramble some egg whites 3 or 4 and add 1/8 cup of feta cheese. YUMMY! And only like 120 calories! I also will add chopped mushrooms too.
  • HBinOC
    HBinOC Posts: 78 Member
    I bring a tortilla ( low carb variety) filled with spinach a little shredded cheese - add some spices ( I like a fajita blend) rolled up to work and microwave it for lunch.

    Not really recipe but lunch idea.
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    My favorite way to eat it is raw topped with sliced fresh strawberries, or thrown in a smoothie
    I also put it on pizza, in tofu scrambles and on the rare occasion that I make a quiche for my bf, I put it in there too.
  • dklibert
    dklibert Posts: 1,196 Member
    There is another thread below with tons of ideas. I like to add it to soup, make spinach and mushroom salad, add to hungry Girl egg mugs, make a quesdilla with feta cheese and dill.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    One easy way to get more spinach is to use fresh spinach instead of lettuce. You can put it on burgers, in wraps, salads etc.

    If you like smoothies, do a search for "green smoothie"....there have been many recipes listed on here in past.

    And I'll close by posting something someone else posted last week that looked tasty to me:

    Spinach Feta Turkey burgers:

    1 pound ground turkey
    10 oz shredded spinach (I use the frozen packs for convenience)
    1 container feta cheese
    2 eggs

    Mix everything together, form into 4-5 burger patties, and cook. I usually broil mine, or use my George Foreman, but you can grill them as well :)
  • secondlane
    secondlane Posts: 20 Member
    Breakfast: 1. Heat frying pan with a bit of spray or oil. 2. Pile it up with fresh baby spinach (I get a HUGE bag for$5 at our local produce market). 3. Medium(ish) heat for about 5 or 10 minutes and let it cook down. No need to cover but just watch for loose leafs that stick to the sides - they tend to burn. Take your spatula to the spinach every few minutes and muddle them all together. 4. Give it one flip when the bottom has lightly browned and its starting to smell deliciously done. Make an indentation in the middle with your spatula (you're making a spinach nest - you know where I'm going with this). 5. Crack an egg into that indentation. 6. Cover the pan. The steam from the spinach means that the egg will take a bit longer to cook so while you're waiting, 7. Toast a slice of whole wheat or rye. 8. When the egg white is cooked through (and the steam gives the egg such a nice texture), slide the spinach/egg onto the toast. 9. Crack the egg yolk. 10. Enjoy a delicious, pretty nutrious, satisfying breakfast all done within a matter of minutes.
  • k8mcminn
    k8mcminn Posts: 49 Member
    My easy go to recipe:

    Put a bunch of spinach into a covered microwave safe container, add one clove mince garlic. 1 tsp minced ginger a bit of sal and pepper and a dash of sesame oil. Cover and cook on high for about 2 minutes until just wilted.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Use fresh spinach as salad greens, on top of pizza, in omletes...the uses are endless. You can even use them in smoothies if wanted. I had a chicken and spinach quesadilla when I went out to a Mexican restaurant Monday...was delicious.
  • brownbeauty2013
    brownbeauty2013 Posts: 50 Member
    Try spinach and some light cream cheese. It is great as a dip or side vegetable. Sprinkle some seasoning and it will become one of your favorites!
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    I bring a tortilla ( low carb variety) filled with spinach a little shredded cheese - add some spices ( I like a fajita blend) rolled up to work and microwave it for lunch.

    Not really recipe but lunch idea.

    now THIS sounds deliscious!
  • MsDeterMINEd3
    MsDeterMINEd3 Posts: 53 Member
    I put it on/in everything!!!

    I scramble it with eggs, put it in my smoothies, make a salad with it, I put it on quesadillas and on sandwiches. I also put it in my soups and chili.

    There is a site and app called Pinterest. They have all sorts of good ideas and recipes for everything.

    Good luck!