
chani80 Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Why can't i look in the mirror and smile at my reflection and be happy with it?
What gave me this bad body image i have with my self?
Who said i have to be skinny to be happy?
When did i start being so unhappy with myself?
Why do use food as my bodys weapon against itself?

All thses questions i have.....with no answers!!
I ****'s me that i cant be happy with my self, every one i know says im pretty i'm skinny....but why can't i believe them???

I am a size 10...I am under what they call normal these days.....but why do i still refuse to belive them?

All i see is flab, lumps and bumps....

i wanna know how many people feel like this?
How many people look at the themselves and say yuck, then go to the shops and say what the hell am i worried about? i'm not that bad! then go back home look in the mirror and go YUCK again????


  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    I am 5'9" and I am a size 8-10, People say I am skinny but I see fat and flab. I know exactly what you are saying. But I was a size 2-4 so to me I am fat!
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    I don't think we are ever happy with our bodies cause I remember when I was in high school weighed 140 & back than thought I was fat. I looked back at the pix's now & wish I looked like that now.

    As long that you are in your target bmi & you are eatting healthy & exercising, that's what matter:):)
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Way too many of us share your less than positive self image and all I can say is it is up to us to work at changing it! Therapy is helpful, but you can also post notes on your mirror, your computer screen, your refrigerator/pantry door, etc... with positive words and you practice saying them out loud to yourself with a smile on your face! You are very beautiful and look thin, so stop and ask yourself what image is it that you are wanting to see? As an aging 52 year old, I can tell you honestly that you really need to get comfortable with some of the flaws that our bodies have, because they take on a new life as you age and it is really healthy if you can find inner peace and happiness not based on appearances, yours or anyone else's. Good luck to you on your journey! You are beautiful!!!!!
  • jefadav
    jefadav Posts: 3 Member
    "For the first time in my life, I think I am free from the tyranny of food. I don't spend my day thinking about what I've eaten, what I will eat or how much I weigh....I'm so thankful the Lord has changed me. I feel like I've been released from a sunless prison of hopelessness, fear, and bondage." The hope for this change is based on something wonderful and awesome. This hope rests on God. He alone is the heart-knower. Think of it...He truly knows you! and because He knows you so well He can transform you! Life is more than food.. (Luke 12:23) From the book Love to Eat, Hate to Eat by Elyse Fitzpatrick I would highly reccomend this. I think it could answer all your questions.
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    I find that I tend to feel my worst when I'm comparing myself to perfectly photoshopped models and celebs. When I actually stop to look around at normal women that have not been tucked, brushed, warped, and painted I see that none of us are really that magazine ad. Hell, with the expection of a few very beautiful women, I expect many of them arent that magazine ad either. This is what I have. It's the only body I'll ever have. I figure I can live my life picking it apart and having it never be good enough or I can stop the madness accept what I have (and don't have) and find ways to work it!
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