
Hello all you beautiful people. I'm Maria from
California. I started this program about a month
ago. I lost 9 pounds and now seem to be at a
stand still. I walk about 3 miles a day and
also do the stair stepper about 30min.
I am pretty good with my food. I have been
addind green tea and fiber choice and also
am drowning in water. My priority is becoming
healthier, stronger and next, losing some
extra pounds. No giving up yet!! Good luck
to all and above all, have fun.


  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    Hola Maria!

    I like your screen nickname because I have a cat named Woody. :-) Welcome to MFP! Great job keeping up the water and exercise!
  • woody562
    woody562 Posts: 4 Member
    I was nicknamed "woody" at work because
    of my red hair. (woody woodpecker).
    I also have a cat. his name is Cokey.
    we have a yellow lab., Sasha. How was
    it that you chose your cats name?