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Protein Shakes for Girls?
I like Trutein. They don't make protein for girls, so I just use a pink blender bottle. Same difference.
[img][/img]0 -
Protein you buy is the same for guys and girls.. look for a low calorie high protein one (so 100-130 a scoop for 25g protein).. And Most weight loss supplements are an absolute waste of time.. its all about deficit from what your body needs.
Also the weight loss pills don't do anything, you're wasting money...
SNAP!0 -
I just bought "Lean 1" by Nutrition 53. It seems to get pretty good reviews--it has some Hoodia and green coffee bean extract added in, along with fish oil and CLA.
Raspberry Ketones DO help, if you're working out regularly. They enhance your results. I'd just steer clear of anythign that isn't pure ketones--keep the caffeine and all the other garbage out of it. I've never tried that particular brand you mentioned, but I've tried ketones and they truly did help speed up the fat loss. I'm starting them again today myself.
Thank you!!!! The first decent reply. Some people are just damn right rude.
Thank you for your help - I really appreciate itx
Of allllll the posts here THIS is the one you're going with??
Good luck to you.0 -
Diet pills are a complete joke. They will do NOTHING. Protein is protein....it doesn't matter if you are a guy or a girl.
*I would just like to say, I was expecting something TOTALLY different in this thread.
If you thought you were expecting something 'totally' different and didn't like my thread - don't comment! Simple as that!
Thank you to everyone else for your help!
Are you asking for help or for someone to just agree with your choices? There is a difference.0 -
Protein you buy is the same for guys and girls.. look for a low calorie high protein one (so 100-130 a scoop for 25g protein).. And Most weight loss supplements are an absolute waste of time.. its all about deficit from what your body needs.
BTW, OP. The first reply was the first decent reply.0 -
Waiting for a guy to say, "I've got your protein shake right here." I am disappointed. :laugh:
OP as stated Protien powders are not gender specific and I use Sunwarrior Protien Raw Vegan Vanilla protein, it is derived from brown rice.0 -
Waiting for a guy to say, "I've got your protein shake right here." I am disappointed. :laugh:
OP as stated Protien powders are not gender specific and I use Sunwarrior Protien Raw Vegan Vanilla protein, it is derived from brown rice.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:0 -
I just bought "Lean 1" by Nutrition 53. It seems to get pretty good reviews--it has some Hoodia and green coffee bean extract added in, along with fish oil and CLA.
Raspberry Ketones DO help, if you're working out regularly. They enhance your results. I'd just steer clear of anythign that isn't pure ketones--keep the caffeine and all the other garbage out of it. I've never tried that particular brand you mentioned, but I've tried ketones and they truly did help speed up the fat loss. I'm starting them again today myself.
Thank you!!!! The first decent reply. Some people are just damn right rude.
Thank you for your help - I really appreciate itx
Of allllll the posts here THIS is the one you're going with??
Good luck to you.
Excuse me? I am not going to reply to everyone - but I can sure as hell tell you that was a decent reply compared to some other cheeky people. I thought this was about support etc? Just as *****y as facebook! GROW UP.0 -
Waiting for a guy to say, "I've got your protein shake right here." I am disappointed. :laugh:
OP as stated Protien powders are not gender specific and I use Sunwarrior Protien Raw Vegan Vanilla protein, it is derived from brown rice.
:flowerforyou:0 -
I just bought "Lean 1" by Nutrition 53. It seems to get pretty good reviews--it has some Hoodia and green coffee bean extract added in, along with fish oil and CLA.
Raspberry Ketones DO help, if you're working out regularly. They enhance your results. I'd just steer clear of anythign that isn't pure ketones--keep the caffeine and all the other garbage out of it. I've never tried that particular brand you mentioned, but I've tried ketones and they truly did help speed up the fat loss. I'm starting them again today myself.
Thank you!!!! The first decent reply. Some people are just damn right rude.
Thank you for your help - I really appreciate itx
So almost every other person on here is telling you they are a waste of money and you choose the one person that supports it. If you only wanted people to agree with you and tell you they worked, you should have clarified that in your OP.0 -
I just bought "Lean 1" by Nutrition 53. It seems to get pretty good reviews--it has some Hoodia and green coffee bean extract added in, along with fish oil and CLA.
Raspberry Ketones DO help, if you're working out regularly. They enhance your results. I'd just steer clear of anythign that isn't pure ketones--keep the caffeine and all the other garbage out of it. I've never tried that particular brand you mentioned, but I've tried ketones and they truly did help speed up the fat loss. I'm starting them again today myself.
Thank you!!!! The first decent reply. Some people are just damn right rude.
Thank you for your help - I really appreciate itx
Of allllll the posts here THIS is the one you're going with??
Good luck to you.
Excuse me? I am not going to reply to everyone - but I can sure as hell tell you that was a decent reply compared to some other cheeky people. I thought this was about support etc? Just as *****y as facebook! GROW UP.0 -
I just bought "Lean 1" by Nutrition 53. It seems to get pretty good reviews--it has some Hoodia and green coffee bean extract added in, along with fish oil and CLA.
Raspberry Ketones DO help, if you're working out regularly. They enhance your results. I'd just steer clear of anythign that isn't pure ketones--keep the caffeine and all the other garbage out of it. I've never tried that particular brand you mentioned, but I've tried ketones and they truly did help speed up the fat loss. I'm starting them again today myself.
Thank you!!!! The first decent reply. Some people are just damn right rude.
Thank you for your help - I really appreciate itx
so then you either skipped over several (mine included), or you're one of "those users" that only considers the answers they *want* "decent". solid effort, OP.
good luck on your journey!:flowerforyou:0 -
I just bought "Lean 1" by Nutrition 53. It seems to get pretty good reviews--it has some Hoodia and green coffee bean extract added in, along with fish oil and CLA.
Raspberry Ketones DO help, if you're working out regularly. They enhance your results. I'd just steer clear of anythign that isn't pure ketones--keep the caffeine and all the other garbage out of it. I've never tried that particular brand you mentioned, but I've tried ketones and they truly did help speed up the fat loss. I'm starting them again today myself.
Thank you!!!! The first decent reply. Some people are just damn right rude.
Thank you for your help - I really appreciate itx
Of allllll the posts here THIS is the one you're going with??
Good luck to you.
Excuse me? I am not going to reply to everyone - but I can sure as hell tell you that was a decent reply compared to some other cheeky people. I thought this was about support etc? Just as *****y as facebook! GROW UP.
^This.0 -
This seems to have turned out to be yet another one of those posts where "rude" = "doesn't agree with me". Whatevs. Good luck with your ketones.0
I just bought "Lean 1" by Nutrition 53. It seems to get pretty good reviews--it has some Hoodia and green coffee bean extract added in, along with fish oil and CLA.
Raspberry Ketones DO help, if you're working out regularly. They enhance your results. I'd just steer clear of anythign that isn't pure ketones--keep the caffeine and all the other garbage out of it. I've never tried that particular brand you mentioned, but I've tried ketones and they truly did help speed up the fat loss. I'm starting them again today myself.
Thank you!!!! The first decent reply. Some people are just damn right rude.
Thank you for your help - I really appreciate itx
So almost every other person on here is telling you they are a waste of money and you choose the one person that supports it. If you only wanted people to agree with you and tell you they worked, you should have clarified that in your OP.
Lets get one thing straight - I said thank you for the first decent reply. Sorry...... I forgot that meant I agreed! No honey, they are simply 2 different things. Just because they work for 1 person doesn't mean to say they will work for everyone! I simply wanted information on them. If they are a waste of money, then fine but I will continue to take them until I have finished them and if I dont see any difference or feel any different, I wont be purchasing more. Now, is this ok with you?0 -
guys, it's cool...let her be the one to judge which answers are worthy.
maybe we can offer "decent replies" in her next thread wondering why shes gaining after stopping the "diet pills".
derpers gon' derp.0 -
I just bought "Lean 1" by Nutrition 53. It seems to get pretty good reviews--it has some Hoodia and green coffee bean extract added in, along with fish oil and CLA.
Raspberry Ketones DO help, if you're working out regularly. They enhance your results. I'd just steer clear of anythign that isn't pure ketones--keep the caffeine and all the other garbage out of it. I've never tried that particular brand you mentioned, but I've tried ketones and they truly did help speed up the fat loss. I'm starting them again today myself.
Thank you!!!! The first decent reply. Some people are just damn right rude.
Thank you for your help - I really appreciate itx
Of allllll the posts here THIS is the one you're going with??
Good luck to you.
Excuse me? I am not going to reply to everyone - but I can sure as hell tell you that was a decent reply compared to some other cheeky people. I thought this was about support etc? Just as *****y as facebook! GROW UP.
I knew there was a reason I denied your friend request. Thanks for solidifying that for me.0 -
Sorry haven't read the thread so don't know it this has been said.
I started with Maxitone Definity
as this is designed specifically for women and thought it would do the job, then my BF pointed out that it was really expensive and I swapped to Maximuscle promax,
Which are basically the same product but one is aimed at women and the other at men, the women's is much more expensive. If you compare the nutritional breakdown there is very little difference.0 -
I just bought "Lean 1" by Nutrition 53. It seems to get pretty good reviews--it has some Hoodia and green coffee bean extract added in, along with fish oil and CLA.
Raspberry Ketones DO help, if you're working out regularly. They enhance your results. I'd just steer clear of anythign that isn't pure ketones--keep the caffeine and all the other garbage out of it. I've never tried that particular brand you mentioned, but I've tried ketones and they truly did help speed up the fat loss. I'm starting them again today myself.
Thank you!!!! The first decent reply. Some people are just damn right rude.
Thank you for your help - I really appreciate itx
Of allllll the posts here THIS is the one you're going with??
Good luck to you.
Excuse me? I am not going to reply to everyone - but I can sure as hell tell you that was a decent reply compared to some other cheeky people. I thought this was about support etc? Just as *****y as facebook! GROW UP.
There were plenty of people being supportive by letting you know that you don't need a special protein powder for "girls" and that diet pills are a waste of money. You don't have to reply to all of them and you don't have to reply to any of them. But what you did was ignore them and claim that the ONE reply that supported your use of diet pills was the only decent reply up to that point. It doesn't sound like you started a thread looking for support - it sounds like you started a thread looking for people to agree with you and had a fit when they didn't. Maybe you should take your own advice...0 -
Rage quit in 3....2....1.....0
I just bought "Lean 1" by Nutrition 53. It seems to get pretty good reviews--it has some Hoodia and green coffee bean extract added in, along with fish oil and CLA.
Raspberry Ketones DO help, if you're working out regularly. They enhance your results. I'd just steer clear of anythign that isn't pure ketones--keep the caffeine and all the other garbage out of it. I've never tried that particular brand you mentioned, but I've tried ketones and they truly did help speed up the fat loss. I'm starting them again today myself.
Thank you!!!! The first decent reply. Some people are just damn right rude.
Thank you for your help - I really appreciate itx
Of allllll the posts here THIS is the one you're going with??
Good luck to you.
Excuse me? I am not going to reply to everyone - but I can sure as hell tell you that was a decent reply compared to some other cheeky people. I thought this was about support etc? Just as *****y as facebook! GROW UP.
There were plenty of people being supportive by letting you know that you don't need a special protein powder for "girls" and that diet pills are a waste of money. You don't have to reply to all of them and you don't have to reply to any of them. But what you did was ignore them and claim that the ONE reply that supported your use of diet pills was the only decent reply up to that point. It doesn't sound like you started a thread looking for support - it sounds like you started a thread looking for people to agree with you and had a fit when they didn't. Maybe you should take your own advice...
And if you're looking for support, maybe head over to the "Motivation and Support" forum.0 -
In before the lock... I was hoping for some entertainment today. Oh MFP, how snarky and rude you've made me.0
I use the same protein shake as my husband, Syntha-6, but he bought separate containers so I can glue Swarovski crystals on mine.0
Hawaiian protein shake0
I use the same protein shake as my husband, Syntha-6, but he bought separate containers so I can glue Swarovski crystals on mine.
That's a brilliant idea! Ha... I love this thread.:flowerforyou:0 -
Jamie Eason has a new line designed specifically for women (can't figure out what the difference is) through Labrada.com called Lean Body for Her. It looks pretty expensive, but comes in a pretty pink package.
the difference? a bigger hole in your wallet. that's it!
the girl protein i take makes me fart glitter...it's amazing :bigsmile:0 -
I use the same protein shake as my husband, Syntha-6, but he bought separate containers so I can glue Swarovski crystals on mine.
Good thinking. I'm going to bedazzle mine this weekend. Thanks for the idea!0 -
OP is dumb.
Fat burners don't burn fat.
Try caffeine for a thermogenic effect and don't be a ***** about it. Ephedrine is also a nice appetite suppressant.
Overall, you're a girl. You only need like 60 grams of protein a day (ASSUMING YOU LIFT) and whey protein has nothing over any other type of protein except for it's absorption time, which is useless information for you because I'm going to safely assume you're a novice.
Have a nice day.0 -
So, since my hubby and I use the same protein, am I doing it wrong? OHHHH NOES! i lift heavy weights too! Definitely turning into a man.0
This discussion has been closed.
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