Weighing Daily



  • Tabitha_Faye
    I weigh myself daily, even though I'm told that I shouldn't. I have a love-hate relationship with the scale; I love it, because it does keep me motivated (most of the time). At other times, I absolutely hate the scale because it doesn't always show me want I want to see. It used to affect me more, but now, I do have a better understanding that the scale is nothing more than a tool to track my weight; not my success.

    Oh and do what works best for YOU! If weighing yourself daily makes you crazy and miserable, stop! Weigh yourself every other day or once a week. It's all about how your perceive the scale.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Thanks guys, honestly for me when I weigh myself if I see a "bad" fluctuation on the scale it doesn't seem to discourage me it actually makes me mad and I just go to the gym and usually work out harder. Not sure if that is good or not either. I haven't measured myself but I can tell a difference in the weigh clothes are fitting and I take pictures of myself on Mondays.

    Sounds like you are moving in the right direction....
    I assume you are trying to lose weight??

    I can't view your diary, you have it closed.....
    But just make sure you are getting in your needed fat and protein minimums daily.....
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    I tend to take a scientific approach to it all. The scientific approach is NOT for the easily discouraged.

    I weigh myself daily and log it weekly. And I weigh first thing in the morning, when the fluctuation is minimal.

    After I weigh myself, I take a minute to think of how my behavior in the past 24 hours may have contributed to that change in weight--what I did right/wrong/differently, compared to other times.

    The most important part of the scientific approach is that you're not just trying to lose weight; you're starting with the conventional knowledge of what works (the "calories in/calories out" concept) and tweaking it, trying this, trying that, to optimize your success.

    This sounds like a snooze-fest for some I'm sure; for me if keeps it the routine fresh.

    Reflecting on the past 24 hours is a good approach, I do it off and on, but now I'll be consistent with it. Thanks!
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    Thanks guys, honestly for me when I weigh myself if I see a "bad" fluctuation on the scale it doesn't seem to discourage me it actually makes me mad and I just go to the gym and usually work out harder. Not sure if that is good or not either. I haven't measured myself but I can tell a difference in the weigh clothes are fitting and I take pictures of myself on Mondays.

    More power to you, if it motivates you instead of depressing you, awesome! GOOD OUTLOOK =)
  • TXgolfguy
    TXgolfguy Posts: 30 Member
    I believe my diary is open to friends so feel free to request me I could use friends on here. Also any helpful advice in diet would be greatly appreciated. Although I will say I do know Yesterday my calorie intake was far too low I just wasn't hungry after dinner to have a snack and I just felt like its pointless to eat when you aren't hungry, especially as it was getting late
  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    Whatever works for you. I weight myself daily. It keeps me going and it helped me learn how my body weight fluctuates.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I believe my diary is open to friends so feel free to request me I could use friends on here. Also any helpful advice in diet would be greatly appreciated. Although I will say I do know Yesterday my calorie intake was far too low I just wasn't hungry after dinner to have a snack and I just felt like its pointless to eat when you aren't hungry, especially as it was getting late

    Ok mate, request sent
  • o2bADyer
    o2bADyer Posts: 208
    Do whatever it takes to stay motivated. Good luck to you!
  • livingmylegacy
    Ok so I cant stop weighing myself daily. Does anybody else have that problem? People always tell me I shouldn't do that but I do what are your thoughts?

    Try using Trendweight.com.

    You can track your weight daily, but it evens out the giant fluctuations that can sometimes be seen if you weigh-in every day, so you get a more accurate picture of your progress. :)
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    I have always really struggled with the call of the scale each day too. I've made up my mind that only allowing myself to weigh once a week is one of my goals...just as important as my calorie goals or exercise goals. Placing the "craving", if you will, in that same box is helping me to manage it. If I slip up, I'll be just as disappointed in myself as I would be for pigging out on pizza and have to recommit to my goal again.

    Now I look forward to my weekly weigh in, almost as a reward for my hard work all week.
  • bethyv1030
    bethyv1030 Posts: 226 Member
    I weigh myself every day or every other day. I find seeing that slight decrease in weight is an awesome way to start my day. Sometimes my weight my fluctuate up which is normals, but then I think to myself it is a cardio day and I hit the gym. For some people weighing everyday may not work, but for me it is motivating!
  • lmmo1977
    Ok so I cant stop weighing myself daily. Does anybody else have that problem? People always tell me I shouldn't do that but I do what are your thoughts?

    Of course you can do it (I do it too and I manage to lose 14kg in 4.5 months).

    But don't pay attention to the daily figure. Use an app or website like https://trendweight.com and just check the trend line. If it is going down keep the same routine, if it goes up eat less and/or exercise more.

    Simple... :)
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Tracking your weight like that will work against you, psychologically, when you eventually transition into focusing more on fitness than just weight loss. You won't be able to trust the scale anymore and the massive fluctuations you will see (even some weight gain depending on how you choose to go about it) may discourage you from wanting to go through with it. Basically, you WILL eventually reach a point where weight loss alone is no longer the goal. When you reach that point the scale will no longer be your guide and if you learn to depend on it this way you're setting yourself up for a fall.
  • chrs86
    chrs86 Posts: 151 Member
    I've been tempted to do this so bad. I won't though. I think it will either make me feel okay I lost some so I can skip this or skip that or be discouraging. First time I tried losing weight I didn't check for almost 2 months and went to the gym daily. I'm gonna try once a week now.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    I weigh every time I go to the gym whether it is day after day or a couple days missed. I don't hold too much stock in small fluctuations and recorded weekly on here, I did not record the weight daily. It is not recommended because it can be a demotivator. There is definately stock in forgetting the scale at points because the tape measure might move the right direction when the scale moves the wrong way. IT is best to keep a balanced eye on all forms of measurement rather than putting all your eggs (or in this case losses) in one basket. Be well informed. How do you feel? How are your clothes fitting? Are you nitcing other physical changes? Make and meet your mini goals while keeping your eye on the prize.... :)
  • momof3boys090808
    momof3boys090808 Posts: 69 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, it's the first thing I do. It helps me me focused during the day. I like seeing those small losses but I do not log it everyday. As if last 3 days my scale has been broke so I have to get a new one and it's OK. I'm not freaking out, I just been staying focused. There's no right or wrong here. When I lost 52 lbs I weighed everyday and people said I was a little obsessive and needed to slow down and so I took everyone's advice and stopped weighing everyday and poof gained all back.so I will continue to weigh everyday :)
  • TXgolfguy
    TXgolfguy Posts: 30 Member
    I weigh myself every day or every other day. I find seeing that slight decrease in weight is an awesome way to start my day. Sometimes my weight my fluctuate up which is normals, but then I think to myself it is a cardio day and I hit the gym. For some people weighing everyday may not work, but for me it is motivating!

    Yea I think we are definitely in the same boat there, seeing an increase is motivation for me for sure, and I hit the cardio hard
  • JennBunny73
    JennBunny73 Posts: 292 Member
    I weigh daily. I just keep in mind that there will be fluctuations. I have tried weekly but that doesn't work for me because I can get off track much easier that way. I know where I should be within 5 pounds and by weighing daily I can stop weight gain when I first notice it going up where it shouldn't. I think everyone has there own way that works best for them.