Giving it another shot

I have been battling with my weight since I was in High School....well middle school is where I broke 200 pounds but did not try to do anything about it until High School. I have tried every diet and supplement I can think of. My Mom was a Certified Dietary Manager and tried to help me as well. Nothing has worked I would lose 5 or 10 pounds and then gain it back. I hit 274 my junior year of High School and stayed that wait until I was 25, could not keep any weight loss off but never went about that mark so I dealt with it.....then I had my kids and I have hovered around 320-330 since having my second son. With in the last month I lost 11 pounds, not really doing anything different food wise but have been very busy with appointments and school stuff for my children and think that is why. Trying my best to keep track of what I eat and what exercise I do. Figure I am more accountable for myself if I am recording it and less likely to eat a big piece of cake or something like that if I know I have to see what it is going to do to my weight. My biggest problem is a support system. While my husband is supportive he is a truck driver and is gone for days at a time. My Sister and a few of my friends are all trying to lose weight but are in other states or a hundred miles or more away and they are busy just like me with kids of their own to keep track of. I am looking for some support from others who are trying to lose weight just like I am and know what I am going through.