help!!!! Weekends are the worst!

Becky011 Posts: 384
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I have been on my fitness pal for about 3 weeks and loving it so far. I have been working out about 5 days a week consistently and watching my food intake consistently . On a normal day I stick close to the recommended 1200 calories, maybe getting closer to 1400 or 1500 when I work out ( typically still have quite a few calories leftover from exercise.) but weekends are the worst challenge for me - Friday through Sunday I struggle big time with the worst calorie dinners of the week and on Sundays breakfast is a little higher calories because we go out for Sunday breakfast. I work out all weekend but it's definitely not enough to make up for taking in like 2500 calories or more.

I know I need to fix this problem to successfully reach my goal weight (40 pounds to go).

Any suggestions ? Best bets for these struggles?
Do you give yourself 1 or 2 days a week to eat anything? One meal? I have heard before that this somehow jolts your metabolism but I know I am currently overdoing it... Please offer help if you can. I need support.


  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I simply make Sundays my cheat days =)

    Sunday mornings are also my weigh in days
    (this way my cheat day won't effect my weight loss..although even after a cheat day and wentt over my cals, I still lose the next morning lol)
  • hi there im the same but i also finds working nights and days in the same week very hard all seems to go right out the window .
  • telle12345
    telle12345 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm totally the same. Weekends are the hardest, especially because I visit family and friends at the weekend, so eating out and takeaways are almost inevitable. And I don't feel bad about it either!

    They way I deal with it is, that if I want to eat it, I have to work for it! So I'll go to the gym, jump on my wii and play wii fit, or Shaun White Snowbarding, do some cleaning, some step ups on my stairs, walk, or run around with my neices and nephews... to help burn those extra calories, so I don't go over my daily goals as much.

    For example, I went to a wedding a couple weekends ago, and knew I'd be hitting the wine! So I danced for a while with all the kids! It was fun, I burned some calories and I could drink my wine!

    I basically eat what I want, but i've really cut down on the portions (otherwise more excercise!) and limit the amount of times in the day I'd have the junk! (Otherwise more excercise!! lol)

    I try not to feel guilty about it. Just keep recording your food and stay focused. I've only been doing this for 2 weeks, but so far it's helped loads, even if I do have a pizza every now and again!

    Hope that helps :-)
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Its a tough one for sure. I've just decided to stay in every other weekend until I reach my goal weight/fit into my goal jeans. It's abig sacrifice but I figure that its only a few months and there's plenty of partying to be done in the future when I'll be slimmer :bigsmile:

    @Telle - no amount of exercise can make up for the wine I drink once I get going :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    good luck :flowerforyou:
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