Low Carb Diet

NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
My friend was talking about trying a low carb diet and I was wanting to know how many people is on one or have done them before and is this a good idea....Any info comments and tips would be great! I'm also checking into this!!! Thanks so much for your time!


  • bsexton3
    bsexton3 Posts: 472 Member
    Eight years ago, or so, I did the South Beach Diet (is that when it came out?). Anyway, I am 6'0" and weighed 255. Following the South Beach, I got down to 205. After getting off it, I went back up to 212-215 for about 5 years. Over the past 2 years, I have crept back up to 230. It was my own fault. Now, I am back down to 224, and trying to get under 200.

    Like all diets, it is coming off it that matters. If you return to normal eating habits, the weight will go back on. Problem with low carb is when you go off, you add carbs back in. If the rest of the diet doesn't change to keep calories at a good level, your weight will go up.

    About half my friends who did South Beach with me put their weight back on in two years. The rest changed their eating habits and kept most the weight off.

    On another note, my wife followed it with me, and did not lose and weight. When she added a few carbs, she took of some weight. But she is in a normal weight range.
  • I tried a low carb diet (total calories = 35% carb, 40% protein, 25% fat), I really didn't feel I lost any weight faster. The coasts between lost pounds was more dependent on how frequently I exercised not so much how many carbs I ate. I enjoy a fairly high carb diet (total calories = 50% carb, 20% protein, 30% fat) and the biggest gains I had were changing between the two diets. They both fell back down quickly and am still losing weight.

    Diets all about consistency, if your diet is consistent and co-operative with your lifestyle, your weight will be consistent. At least that's what I've found with myself.
  • Thanks for the tips!
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    I tried the Low Carb Diet just cutting out bread and potatoes!! My two main sources of meals. I left pasta and rice. I found that the weight came off rather quickly but if your a lady then around TOM I got very nasty and I don't normally so the following two months around TOM I add a few carbs into my diet. I now eat Bread and a few potatoes around TOM but all the rest of the time they are a no no. This hasn't hurt my diet and I find because Carbs are still resent and some time of the month that it isn't making my body crave or miss them too much. I don't think I could ever cut them out completely
  • I actually just wrote a post about this the other day and was checking back on what the response was...saw yours first though. I did it for two weeks, just wasn't cut out for it...read the book, worked hard at it...no weight change...i think the healthy way to lose weight is to count calories and cut out refined sugars and junk...and you'll see results!
  • carb cycling is better. hi/no/low cycle 3days and repeat. bomb for fat loss and muscle preservation. high=2x bodyweight carbs. no is <30 of net carbs. low is 80-130carbs. protein should be at 1-1.5g per lb of bw. fats at .4 lb per bw. obviously cut the totals to equal your deficit. which shouldnt be more than body fat massx31. so take me for example im 150lb. 132lb lean which means 18lb fat 18x31=558. thats my max deficit without losing muscle mass
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    My husband and I are doing Atkins - He is at 25 carbs a day and I am still at 20 carbs....but we don't watch calories or fat intake really, amazingly I am often at 1500 or under and not much in the fat department. I am never hungry anymore and lost 10 lbs my first 2 weeks. Now slowly dropping. We like it, and the only time I miss something with carbs in it is if I walk down that isle in the store. I even had dinner at my best friends and managed to stay away from the carbs..............I believe we will have no issues with staying on track once at goal.

    Thats me :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
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