Old bloke from England... Cycling... Type 2 Diabetes

Hello, I am old I have type 2 diabetes and I am dieting to improve my health, and to make myself lighter so that I can enjoy cycle touring more. I often tour with another guy (midget ) and find he flies uphill overtaking me whilst I fly past him downhill. Into the wind its no contest he can't keep up with me and has to slipstream. ;-) My recent glucose readings have been a little high and I know that losing weight and being fitter will bring it back to an acceptable figure. Diabetes is a horrid disease. It can lead to amputation, sight loss and all sorts of nasty things. My grandfather had both legs amputated because of it back in the 1960s when it wasn't treated.
My ambition is to loose 30lbs, why? Because 30lbs is the weight of my panniers bar bag and stuff sack containing my kit and camping gear. After i loose the weight it will feel like i am carrying nothing! I am hoping to loose this weight by late April/early May so that I am very fit and considerably lighter so that I can ride across Northern Spain to Portugal. I started on 6th January and have lost 6lbs in just over 2. weeks. My calorie goal is 1670, but I have found I am ok with about 1500. Cycling rowing and walking work out at about 500 calories per day. So my total calorie deficit is about 1000 calories per day, 7000 calories per week which shifts 2lbs of body weight per week. The cycling sessions are about an hour, more and it makes me tired. I don't do it every day. If you can find the time and place to do it cycling is a great way to shift weight and improve your wellbeing. Id like to hear from anybody at all so we can egg each other on especially anyone doing similar things.


  • GlucernaBrand
    You can't be that old if you're enjoying cycle touring :) I love riding my bike and have always wanted to go on a multi-day tour. It sounds like you're really enjoying life! ~Lynn /Glucerna