Normal to drop 2lbs every 2 days?

JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi Guys,

So I started the MFP program on the 30th of August and since that date I have been dropping 2lbs every 2 days. I am afraid that it might be too much too fast. That would come out to 28lbs in a month. I doubt that I can keep that up or that it would even happen but so far it's like clockwork. Every 2 days 2 lbs.

i was doing the math and I am consuming 2200 calories in a day and my maintain caloric intake is 2900 so thats 700 calories deficient and then another 620-630 in calories burned from my daily cardio workout so thats a net loss of 1300 calories a day but that equates to only 11.14 lbs a month not 28 lbs. So maybe my body is just burning off a lot at the start and will taper off in the next week or two OR I am burning off more then 1300 calories a day? Any insight guys?

Sorry for all these technical questions from me but I just dont want to lose muscle and lose too fast. I have 165-170lbs of mass so I am trying to reach 10% body fat,


  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    It does sound like alot to loose, how long has it been happening??? In the first couple of weeks this could be normal, as we have a tendancy to shed alot of water weight at the start!

    If its still going like this in another fortnight then I would go see a doctor!
  • are you male? if so..yes its normal
  • could be water weight. I dropped 8lbs my 1st week then 2 the next and now im only losing 1 lb a week. So as long as you are eating healthy don't worry, unless you think it may something else besides yuor diet and exercise of course.
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Totally normal, especially for males. Your diet has (I'm assuming) changed drastically in the last week, your body is shedding tons of water weight from a drop in sodium intake (again, assuming). It will slow this week or next. That being said, males drop it much quicker than females. My husband and I have been tracking the exact same amount of time, same total amount to lose to get to our respective goal weights, hes lost 20 lbs, I'm at 12.6.
    Enjoy it now, you'll be wishing for these days when you plateau, lol!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Yep sounds normal to me. My hubby dropped 12 pounds in 2 weeks. Spoke to my doctor about this, and he said if you are very heavy it is ok to lose alot fast. IF you were close to goal this would be too much......
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Don't see or feel the weight loss. I don't retain a lot of water as I sit in the steam room everyday for 15 minutes and I don't really take in sodium. I would be so happy to keep at this rate for a month I would lose half of my deficit weight then :)

    223 to 180 so 43 lbs to go!!!!
  • It's pretty normal to lose anywhere between 7lbs to 14lbs in the first week of changing your diet and exercise programme. Once this happens it tends to slow off.

    Good luck on your journey xxx
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I have now hit my first plateau at 217lbs and been stuck at 217-218 for a week. I feel mad tired all the time and think I am deficient in my diet because my calories are so low.
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