In a funk/ wheres my groove? Give me some of yours. :)



  • msmvp
    msmvp Posts: 12

    I would sleep in gym gear during winter, have everything packed ready to go the night before and keep a caffeine pill next to the bed to motivate myself to go.

    I sleep in my gym clothes too. You are absolutely right, I need to do something I enjoy. I feel so much better when I work out too. I want that feeling back, plus I was lookin' pretty cute! I think these posts have helped a lot. So glad I decided to post it.
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    If you're having trouble getting to the gym, maybe try other activities you enjoy. I like to swim, ice skate, take walks. Try to make exercise fun. Maybe join a volleyball or basketball league.

    I'm not a morning person, so I totally feel you on the 5am wake up call. I have little kids and I don't get up til 6:45am or so.

    The Fitbit should help, I think. I just ordered a Fitbit One that will arrive in 2 days.

    Good luck!
  • msmvp
    msmvp Posts: 12
    I know if I don't go to the gym, my day is automatically bad. There are very few excuses that can come between me and the gym at 5 AM. And so I don't allow myself to make them.

    I was doing great, for months and it was so easy to get up at 5am. I just have to do it to get back into it. I see how much you lost.. thats f**king awesome!
  • Mellyajc
    Mellyajc Posts: 142 Member
    You could perhaps get out of the gym?

    It can be easy to talk yourself out of it. I prefer the running trail, and once I'm out, the smiles and waves of other passersby fuels me. I love it.

    Getting out, however...

    1- Motivating music. Can you set your alarm to something that you just HAVE to get up and dance to? Do you have a workout playlist you've associated with exercise so you have the impulse to get up and move? My brother starts his day with dubstep. Totally gets him moving!

    2-Smaller goals. I could lay there and think about..get out of bed. Get dressed. Drive to the gym. Wait for machine available - and totally talk myself out of it. Too much work, not worth it. I've had a surprising bit of luck with "Just 6 minutes". I've got a couple apps that have 6 minute ab workouts, and I've decided to do one of them every day. Some days, it's all I do. Other days, I decide I want more, or have more time, or want to switch it up with yoga...but it's small and bitesized and totally doable. (And working!).

    3-Keep up with logging here even if you aren't following any diet/restriction. When I'm feeling lazy, I negotiate with myself. "If I don't get up and run..I'm going to be hungry all day..I want a nicer dinner than 400 calories..." that's usually enough to get me out the door earning another 300+ calories for the day.
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    If you really dislike the gym, I would get my exercise elsewhere whether outside or inside doing videos. I have exercised outside(running, hiking, walking) and inside(videos mainly off of youtube for free), and the gym. I love the gym but only because I take classes there. I dislike treadmills, ellipticals, and weight machines... But in a class, I feel like I'm a part of something and I enjoy the variety of it. This week, In addition to running outside, I'm taking 3 strength training classes, one Insanity class, and 2 spin classes. I also love Zumba but my favorite instructors moved on:( Anyways, you are only going to stick with something you enjoy.

    Maybe you can make a goal of going X times a week for two weeks and if you don't enjoy, try another way of getting exercise. Throughout most of my weight loss, I was not a member of a gym. So, a gym is not necessary...
  • TheWorstHorse
    What kind of things have motivated you? Just writing this makes me realize I might be a bit of a baby.. I really shouldnt care about working out in front of others. Just need to get back in the groove and havent found it for a month. I have a fitbit force finally being delivered today. Just wondering what others have done to get their *kitten* back into the gym. :)

    Start by getting up at 5AM tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after. Don't worry if you get to the gym or not. Trust me, after sitting around your cold dark house for a couple of days, the gym will look like a wonderful, magical destination again. :)

    Seriously, just change one thing at a time and rebuild the habit. Don't make your diet dependent on the gym or the gym on the diet.

    PS - The 5AM trick worked for me, though I wandered around my house in my gym clothes for a day or two before I realized that I actually wanted to go.
  • msmvp
    msmvp Posts: 12
    I'm definitely more motivated, thank you all for giving me some advice! Love the idea of just getting up to get back into the groove. My fitbit arrived today so there's a little more motivation. :)