Qsymia Journey

Day 1

In April of 2013 I fell and broke my patella in 3 places, before that I was running 3 plus miles a day and eating a pretty decent diet. Today is Jan 22, 2014 and I have gained 37 pounds total, I stil walk but cant run, I hike and have a adopted a 90% clean only diet and have only lost 3 pounds. Today I weigh 205, and Im 5' 9 (my goal is 175) this is my first day taking Qsymia, I didnt start on the lower dose as my Dr thought this was best for me, it was a bit of a pain as my insurance doesnt cover it, it cost 106$ out of pocket, Im not sure Ill continue but ill monitor myself here as much as I can.

I took my first pill at 5:30 am, within about 30 mins I was thirsty, I drink only water anyway so for me this is not a big deal, I just carry my water bottle around and maybe ill fill it more by the end of the day. I took it with food, something I always do as I dont want an upset stomach to boot. Im at work and I can feel what people are talking about with the fuzzy feeling, but its not really bad, just a little day dreamy, I sit in front of a computer all day so that happens to me anyway... ill post as much as I can about how I feel and things I notice but this is just an experiment for me to get a little weight off so I can try to run again without all the pain