Need more cals...

I am currently on a lean bulk and need to eat at maintenance or slightly above. Ridiculously I'm finding it difficult. I had a virus recently and its ****ed with my appetite. I probably get in about 2500 a day right now but I need more like 3000........

Feeling so full right now and I've only had 1700 cals today. I'll probably get in another 1000 but I'll have to add in a couple of beers or something cos otherwise I just wont hit it..

Anyone got tips? What kind of meals are people eating? Ideally id get about 1000 in breakfast alone, but that is so difficult right now :/


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Eat full fat dairy foods like cheese, whole milk, etc. Peanut Butter, avocado. Basically anything caloric dense will boost up your calories quickly.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Posted in your other thread too, but what's wrong with beer?!?!?!