Breakfast sandwich

Items needed:

1 egg (70-95 cal)
1 English muffin (any type, I usually use Dempsters extra crispy, ~180 cal)
30g cheese (120 cal)
1/2 cup mixed greens (10 cal)
1 small pan
1 tsp margarine

Split your muffin in half, toss in in the toaster. Make sure your toaster is turned all the way up, you want your muffin crispy.
Get your pan, toss your margarine on it.
Allow the margarine to melt, swish it around so it coats the entire pan, you don't want your egg to stick, it makes for a bad morning.
Put your egg on your pan, allow it to cook for a few minutes until desired texture is reached.
Now for the tricky part, time to flip that mofo without destroying the yolk, give it a flip and then toss your cheese on your egg.
Wait for the cheese to melt a bit, grab your muffin, put it all on the muffin. Add your mixed greens, boom, your done.


  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,117 Member
    I made an absolutely delicious grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast this morning -- very simple, but I started with good ingredients:

    - homemade nut-fruit bread (yeast bread, not quick bread -- part whole wheat, with cinnamon, walnuts, dried cranberries, and diced prunes, or dried plums as the marketers call them these days)
    - good gruyere
    - a three-fruit (lemon/orange/grapefruit) marmalade that I bought to put it cranberry relish, which was great, but which I don't especially care for on plain toast (I'm big on jam or preserves on toast to begin with). It was perfect in the grilled cheese.
    - butter

    Cut a thick slice (about 2 oz) of bread; cut or fold in half as for a sandwich. Slice three-quarters of an ounce of the gruyere (or enough to cover one-half of the bread) and lay it on one half of the sandwich. Top with a tablespoon of marmalade and the other half of the bread. Butter the outsides of the bread generously and use a little in the preheated (low to medium) frying pan as well (I used about half a tablespoon for both the bread and the pan. Cook slowly with a lid on the pan so the cheese will melt before the bread burns. Turn when the cheese is starting to melt; continue cooking until completely melted. Bread should be browned and crispy, but not burned.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    yum to both - I love breakfast sandwiches :love: