I'm a Ginger who eats too many souls. :(



  • vixx1405
    vixx1405 Posts: 129 Member
    Yay for geeks!! Being a geek is the best!!
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    I love that I clicked on this thread from my "Most Recent Forum Topics" list and saw that you were the poster :)
    Anyway, about me - I am NOT a health nut. I eat sugar, and pizza, and all the good things in life, and I have no intention of quitting.

    Then I laughed because I'm reading this, sitting here eating Papa John's.

    Edit: Nor did I realize this was a necro thread. From January! Still great :)

    I saw this pop up on my wall, and I was like, "Hey! Didn't I make a post like this when I started? I should go see who it is - we'd probably make great friends!"

    And then I realized... it was me. XD Sigh.
  • vixx1405
    vixx1405 Posts: 129 Member
    Yay for geeks!! Being a geek is the best!! loving all the whovians some my friends think my DW obsession is verging on crazy now that im saving up for doctor who converse and sonic screwdriver earings
  • caliv0608
    caliv0608 Posts: 18 Member
    Yay, it's not just me, haha! I'm the same, I found that whenever I tried to go cold turkey on my kryptonite foods (homemade cookies and French fries mainly), I tend to have a bad day and just go nuts. So I have found moderation and small portions a better way to deal.

    I too consider myself a huge geek, fortunately my 3 year old finds it amusing (although sometimes she just shakes her head at me like she can't believe she has me for a mother). I feel you on not exercising just because you're at home... if the little is occupied, that means book time for me! Or dishes. Or laundry. :sick: LOL

    Anyways, sent you a friend request! Good luck to us all in getting healthier!