Poor student trying to lose weight!



  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    I say freeze things if you can. I made about 35 cups of soup last weekend, and a big batch of risotto (I know THAT's not cheap) for my friends, but I divided up the leftovers for the following week.

    Bottom line is that I have meals for about 2 weeks in my fridge and all i really need to go out an buy is almond milk once a week for my cereal. I also go to a bulk food store (my mom's account) and stock up there. I got about 30 greek yogurts for I think less than $12.

    If you have a Wegmans near you, their store brand greek yogurt is about 80 cents a container I think.

    Since you said you have limited fridge space, if no one has really claimed the freezer, stake your claim and fill it with homemade frozen dinners. I work, have evening classes (4pm to 10pm) and workout on the days i don't have class. I'm TIRED when I get home and cooking is the last thing I want to do. Also my campus has microwaves available so I can just bring my dinner with me and avoid the overpriced cafe.

    I do my cooking on the weekends and just package things up.

    Check out skinnytaste.com loads of yummy soups and other things like Easy Garlic Cheddar Biscuits (which are so freaking good!)
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    Low budget's are hard to deal with lol. I shop for fruits and fresh veggies normally at our Farmer's Market, but I live in the South so they are always open on weekends. I have (well had we bought a freezer) a small freezer but I would plan out and stack neatly, my meals, I buy meat marked down, they will mark it down 1-3 days before sell by date, go early in the morning for the best choices, take it home and freeze it (stack neatly) I make soups/stews and divide into servings and freeze some.

    Mainly though I do buy bulk sizes or family packs, I buy a turkey every other month (Target has a great price year round) this gives me LOTS of meat and many things I can make with it, I cook it and take it off the bone, remove skin and fat and freeze it in recipe size baggies (which I think mark with a marker and put in a large freezer bag) if you do this as soon as it cools it is very easy to do and you get all the meat. I do this with all large packs of meat, separate, bag and freeze. Bags take less space and tend to stack nicely (I actually freeze stews, thick soups and chili this way)

    I also watch sale flyers, I have three stores within the same area that I like to shop at, two run ads, so I make a list and what their prices are, grab coupons if I have any and go to the store that has no ad, either it's a better deal or I know it's not and I go to the one that has it less UNLESS it is the only item left on the list then I'll just get it (save gas/time) don't forget to watch your pharmacy ads, like Walgreen's or CVS they often have sales that beat the grocery stores!

    It takes some time, which I know is short but you can do and once it becomes a habit you will find it as normal as brushing your teeth! Good luck!!!
  • Cyan99
    Cyan99 Posts: 84 Member
    Look on this blog: http://agirlcalledjack.com/category/recipes-food-etc/ - she does healthy recipes that can all be made really REALLY cheaply..,