Dieting Help

I would like any advice on dieting.

I am a 22yr old female. 5'10", 137 lbs. I am trying to build muscle and most importantly reduce body fat. I have had my calorie goal at 1240 a day, but now realizing that may be too low and impacting my progress. I work out about 5 days a week with a good mix of cardio, weights, and body weighted exercises. My BMR is calculated in about 1460. Considering this information, would a 1400 calorie goal be more appropriate? I try to keep carbs under 100g and protein as close to 100g as I can get it. I consider my diet well rounded with lots of vegetables, lean meats, and good fats. Any advice or suggestions are very appreciated!


  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    Other then upping your goal it looks good to me, but I am not a dietician. You need more calories to help build muscle.
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    I would like any advice on dieting.

    I am a 22yr old female. 5'10", 137 lbs. I am trying to build muscle and most importantly reduce body fat. I have had my calorie goal at 1240 a day, but now realizing that may be too low and impacting my progress. I work out about 5 days a week with a good mix of cardio, weights, and body weighted exercises. My BMR is calculated in about 1460. Considering this information, would a 1400 calorie goal be more appropriate? I try to keep carbs under 100g and protein as close to 100g as I can get it. I consider my diet well rounded with lots of vegetables, lean meats, and good fats. Any advice or suggestions are very appreciated!

    your BMR is how much you burn without lifting a finger. You should eat more like 1600 imo, and eat back your exercise cals. Especially if you're wanting to build muscle.. you need something to feed it!
  • nadunk
    nadunk Posts: 7
    I appreciate your advice, I will up my calories! I've been eating 1200 and burning about 300 5x per week and not eating back calories. I will ease into adding my calories back into my diet