Why does juicing make me feel bloated?

Hi guys,
I bought a new juicer just before christmas and it's really great. I love making and drinking fresh juice. I've been very stressed and run down recently so it's the perfect thing to get my nutrient levels back up.
HOWEVER, :frown:
Just recently when I've started adding greens to my juice, I've ended up feeling really bloated. Sometimes it's so bad I wake up still feeling bloated the next day.
I usually just have one most days, sometimes I have none and I'm fine, Sometimes I'll have a couple a day.
Does anybody have any insight into this?


  • GothicaAdore
    GothicaAdore Posts: 82 Member
    If the greens you are adding is Kale, then I'm in the same boat with you. Kale tastes good, but I feel awful the next day.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Not sure why but juiced veg seems to upset some people. I found it really made me nauseous. Fruit was ok but any kind of veg was a no no.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    If the greens you are adding is Kale, then I'm in the same boat with you. Kale tastes good, but I feel awful the next day.

  • if your adding greens that you are not normally eating then it takes time for your body to adjust to the new stimulus. Also might want to research if removing the fiber has anything to do with it. I Blend a green mix of kale, spinach, chard with a bunch of other stuff and never have any bloating issues. The other thing to consider is trying the juice in the morning vs night and check your results.

    Good luck.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    If the greens you are adding is Kale, then I'm in the same boat with you. Kale tastes good, but I feel awful the next day.


    :laugh: I had the same thought. All veggies, no matter how prepared, bloat me more than either highly processed food or meat. I am trying to get used to it, but ick. Not liking the feeling. Or the 'look' of my big old bloated belly. Maybe it gets better as time goes by?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Have you significantly increased the quantity of vegetable or fruit you're consuming? Major changes in diet often result in a period of gastrointestinal distress as your gut bacteria change in response.
  • YorriaRaine
    YorriaRaine Posts: 370 Member
    Diet changes can lead to bloating.

    Also, allot of times, even when juicing, its better to pair veggies with some sorta fat. I personally have green smoothies (fiber still in), that contain a little bit of coconut oil.