Eating out



  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    When I plan on eating out I will see if there is an online menu so I can plan ahead what I am going to have. Depending upon the restaurant, you just might find the nutritional values listed on their site or do a search on MFP. It's all about planning ahead
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Intermittent fasting is viewed as being a fine as long as you know how it works. There are very few people who need to eat 1200 calories and if that really is the case you should go see a registered dietician. Don't go to a nutritionist because anyone can just call themselves a nutritionist.

    /steps onto a small soapbox

    Just because you've seen progress on a 1200 calorie diet or that's what your plan calls for doesn't mean you HAVE to. If you feel better about yourself eating less that's fine, but eventually all diets low / high and in between want to stabilize. You'll eventually stop losing weight at 1200 calories because it won't be a deficit anymore and it'll be maintenance. Eating low fat for extended periods of time can wreck havoc on hormone levels. If you just arbitrary follow some program like Slim Fast which advertises a 1200 calories in their ads... you never really learn and develop a good relationship with food.