


  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I eat Breakfast , Lunch , and Dinner and mix in 3 snacks inbetween so I think it just comes down to your own personal preferences and what you can adhere too for the long run.... Best of Luck

    This is what I do too. It's funny because people think I'm the "naturally skinny girl that can eat whatever she wants all day long." Do whatever works best for you.
  • nickylee76
    nickylee76 Posts: 629 Member
    Personally I have to eat breakfast. If i don't I get an upset stomach and really cranky but, that's just me. Everyone is different,
  • otillie03103
    otillie03103 Posts: 107 Member
    I find having breakfast, if it's a healthy breakfast like a protein shake with healthy carbs, protein and fat, helps to keep me satisfied. (as long as I don't chug it in one sitting). I sip on the shake for part of the morning until it is half gone and then a little later sip the rest. In between I have herbal detox tea and water.
  • Foodiethinking
    Foodiethinking Posts: 240 Member
    It depends on what I eat. If I eat a high carb breakfast, I'll be eating like a pig all day. If I eat a higher protein breakfast, then I eat fairly evenly all day.
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    It's definitely a personal preference and individual response.

    I never ate breakfast when I was younger - just a cup of coffee first thing before I rushed to work. Then I got into the habit of grabbing a breakfast croissant or a danish first thing - these definitely did bad things to my diet. I would be starving by lunch and would end up stuffing my face all day. Then I started to find that breaking my fast with a sugary and starchy danish would actually send my blood sugar plummeting so low I would actually, literally faint before lunch. This is sub optimal, so I did the sensible thing and stopped eating sugary buns for breakfast. :laugh:

    Actually this is known as post-prandial hypoglycemia and can (apparently) be a sign of heading into pre-diabetes. Call it an early warning sign that your insulin response is starting to get wacky.

    Now I breakfast on bacon and eggs or luncheon meats. Or, if there's plenty of protein and fat, then a few carbs with it (e.g. baked beans, a hash brown or a muffin) won't cause me to get so hungry. That'll keep me going for the four or five hours until after my long lunchtime walk.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I think several people make a good point. When I was heavier I could easily skip breakfast. Now that I'm not, I can't delay any meals for more than a few hours without really knowing at a visceral level that I need to eat.
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    It might be a personal matter - I know if I dont eat a breakfast, I am really tempted to snack and graze. But if I drink a protein shake, or have some oatmeal, I tend to have more control through the morning and afternoon. My breakfasts can amount to anywhere from 265 - 450 calories.
  • Masonless
    Masonless Posts: 139 Member
    It depends on what I eat. If I eat a high carb breakfast, I'll be eating like a pig all day. If I eat a higher protein breakfast, then I eat fairly evenly all day.

    I agree.
  • allysteven880
    Does it help you not overeat later on in the day? I know the idea that breakfast boosts your metabolism and such is a myth but what do you think of the claim that it doesn't make you eat more? Do some of you concur with that?
  • allysteven880
    If you try to take a healthy breakfast that is full of energy. You will definitely no need to take long and heavy diet in the morning. and if you are trying to lose your weight with a good breakfast, it will also help you a lot. Some tips are also useful that what type of food you can take in early morning such as:

    Natural sugar containing fruits. also fibrous fruits.
    Fat free milk
    Black or green tea

    I have also tried these and yes, this is truly helpful to give perfect metabolic activity. I have also reduced the fat with my morning breakfast. I feel that there is no need to eat more times in a day. Breakfast can really give you energetic day to work.
  • NZ61RL
    NZ61RL Posts: 69
    Gluten free cereal fruit tub and full cream milk!

    I recently found rice bubbles in gluten free. Seriously I was more excited than a 5 year old!
  • fificrazy
    fificrazy Posts: 234
    it makes me hungry, it is important but I have to push it off until like 10 or 11 am or I want to eat all day

    It's good to be hungry. It means your metabolism is functioning! As soon as that hunger goes away, you're in fast mode (not starvation... it's just slowed) and that's when you know it's time to eat!
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I eat breakfast because I'm hungry in the morning!!! I'll normally eat porridge made with full-fat milk and that will see me through until lunch.

    At weekends, however, I might have a brunch around 11 and have a cooked breakfast - yum! : )
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    If I'm left to my own devices, I wouldn't eat anything in the morning, at all. I'm so pressed for time that I can't even spare a minute for a cup of coffee. What I've taken to doing is either grabbing things that I can just eat while walking (like string cheese or a banana), or waiting until I get to work to make more substantial items like oatmeal or a cup of yogurt.

    I've found that eating breakfast has improved my metabolism overall and I don't feel so awful during the afternoon. I tend to eat a lot less, too. For a while I was skipping breakfast but then trying to cram the allotted calories into one big portion at dinner, which for me is a mistake because then I start thinking I have a license to eat anything. That's how I ended up like this, right?

    I find that one item on the way out plus two items at work is the perfect balance for me.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Definitely. When I eat a good breakfast I snack less throughout the day and have more energy.

    I usually have soy milk based oatmeal, but sometimes homemade hummus. I know it sounds crazy, and it seemed strange to me too to eat that for breakfast, but it's actually traditional breakfast in some places... and it's the best one for me in terms of keeping good energy levels throughout your day.