Explanation Needed Please - Daily Summary Numbers

I'm looking at my Daily Summary #s on the myfitnesspal app on my phone. The numbers show:

Goal of 1620 (this is already reduced by 500 calories for my target weight loss)

The next number is Food and shows +1225 which is easy to know where that comes from as it is the total of my Food Intake as posted in my diary.

The next number is Exercise and shows -879 - which is good because that "adds to" the # of calories I can eat or "negates" the calories I've eaten by that amount, depending on how you look at it.

Now the next number is what confuses me. It shows Net and shows 346. What does this number mean?

The next number is Remaining and shows 1,274 in Green. I realize this means I could still eat 1,274 calories. But I'm not sure where the number comes from. I feel like I'm undereating, especially on the days that I'm really sticking to both the daily exercise activity and tracking my food. I know this isn't good but how the heck do you eat enough food to satisfy these numbers - especially good for you food???

In addition, when I look at myfitnesspall online at My Daily Summary there is a bar graph along the bottom of the numbers and displays a bar on the graph with my food # of 1225 then a gradient area to the right of that. What does this bar mean?


  • thedaintyone
    thedaintyone Posts: 17 Member
    I believe that is the goal calories + the food you've logged - the number of calories you burned with exercise
  • iwantmydenimback
    iwantmydenimback Posts: 194 Member
    The number you're asking about is your NET calories. That is the result of the exercise calories you burned/earned minus your GROSS calories, aka the total you've eaten for the day. You want your NET to equal your GOAL. As you already know, your goal of 1660 includes the deficit MFP has given you to lose weight. When you exercise, you increase that deficit, so you're meant to eat back at least a portion of the calories burned through exercise. This is to keep your deficit from getting too big too quickly and to fuel your workouts. Use caution though, exercise calorie burn calculators are not always accurate. Most people eat back a portion (half or more) of their exercise calories.

    You're definitely right, you are undereating when you burn that significant a number of calories and don't eat any back. Fat, protein, and fiber are good ways to increase your calories to NET a reasonable number. But don't forget that that 879 is probably way overestimated. If you eat 4-500 of that back, you'll be fine. Good luck with your progress!
  • sassychyck13
    sassychyck13 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the responses. I met my first 30 day goal of 10 lbs today! I'm motivated for the next 10!! While I am tracking calories, I haven't really made a conscience effort to eat healthier as I thought one thing at a time: get the exercise going and the tracking of calorie intake vs goal. Except for a few fits and starts, I've got my first 30 days in. Feeling good!