T25 Vs. 10 Minute Trainer

Hi everyone! I'm new here but thankfully not new to fitness. I did Jillian Michaels Body Revolution in the past, and it was a struggle but so worth it. My work schedule has gotten crazier and my exercise program has totally slacked off, so I'm looking for something shorter. I'd love feedback on T25 vs. 10 Minute Trainer.

A little background. I'm a woman, almost 50 years old, and want to lose about 25 pounds. JMBR was doable but a butt kicker for me. I try to do a lot of walking but want to add a new DVD routine. 10 Minute Trainer appeals to me because it looks like I could do two or three 10 minute workouts scattered throughout the day when I have time, but T25 looks like it's more intense. Still, what good would that do if I find myself skipping it for lack of time? And then I wonder, are 10 minute segments enough, even if I stack them?

Yes, I'm probably over-thinking this, so I really hope to hear from others who have used these programs. The Amazon reviews are helpful, but I'd rather hear from a community of real people.


  • texstorm
    texstorm Posts: 158 Member
    I did T25 earlier this year and really enjoyed it, but its very challenging from a speed and agility perspective, and a few people in the group I was involved with who were also doing it had minor injuries along the way.

    If you really want to break up your exercise into little chunks throughout the day 10 Minute Trainer might be ideal. T25 will always be there if you want to try it when you feel up to it.

  • fitformidlife
    Thanks so much for the info. I'll admit I'm leaning toward 10 Minute Trainer.
  • icha3x
    icha3x Posts: 54 Member
    did you get the 10 min trainer?
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    There are a lot of free short programs online if you are limited for time and want to mix it up just google 10 or 15 min workouts and check on fitnessblender

    You can also find quick 5 minute warmups to do with your shorter workouts.
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    Just a FYI. The program only comes with five 10 min workouts. That's 50 mins total. If you want more bang for your buck, buy a separate resistance band by another company, one $10 or less DVD from Jillian, the 10 Minute Solutions DVDs or better yet, a resistance band and some YouTube workouts.