confused, help ?

i just done an hour at the gym, the problem is that i cant really remember how long i used the machines and i dont know the names of them, how can i write this in my exercise diary :/?
also add me as a friend please :) x


  • Kevster75
    Was it strength or cardio?
    Was it total/upper/lower body?
    Was it fast/medium/slow?
    Heavy/Medium/Light load?
    How many rests did you have, if any?

    Write stuff down if you're not able to remember..:drinker:
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    You could log your exercise in as circuit training for this particular day - just putting in how many minutes you did over all. I am sure it will be well below your actual exercise, but at least it is something to reflect your work out. If you could remember the names of any of the machines, though, and approximate how many minutes you used them, that would be even more helpful. for instance, did you use weights? did you use the treadmill, stair stepper, elliptical, stationary bike...? If you can get close you would be closer to identifying how many calories burned. It might be a good idea to take a small notebook with you the next time, or take photos of your training tools and the readouts on them when you've finished if you have a camera phone. Just some thoughts.

    Hey, at least you did the work - that's what really counts.


  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Just so you know, strength training exercises don't "count" towards your calorie goal, so if you did a bunch of weights, I would say just to ignore them for today and try and remember them next time (you could even bring a scrap of paper and write them down). For cardio, just do an estimate--20 mins? 45 mins? My guess is that you did one (or more) of walking/running (treadmill), elliptical, stairs, or biking--pick the one that fits and log your exercise as that. If you really can't remember, just ignore the workout for today and make sure you log them from here on in.

    Hope that helps!
  • mardzcfd
    i think it was strength
    my whole body
    2 rests
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Just so you know, strength training exercises don't "count" towards your calorie goal, so if you did a bunch of weights, I would say just to ignore them for today and try and remember them next time (you could even bring a scrap of paper and write them down). For cardio, just do an estimate--20 mins? 45 mins? My guess is that you did one (or more) of walking/running (treadmill), elliptical, stairs, or biking--pick the one that fits and log your exercise as that. If you really can't remember, just ignore the workout for today and make sure you log them from here on in.

    Hope that helps!

    Strength training doesn't count?!? I don't know why MFP tracks strength training this way. I still add my resistance work (and it is work!) under cardio and just manually enter the calories burned after looking them up elsewhere (usually calorie count).
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    Just so you know, strength training exercises don't "count" towards your calorie goal, so if you did a bunch of weights, I would say just to ignore them for today and try and remember them next time (you could even bring a scrap of paper and write them down). For cardio, just do an estimate--20 mins? 45 mins? My guess is that you did one (or more) of walking/running (treadmill), elliptical, stairs, or biking--pick the one that fits and log your exercise as that. If you really can't remember, just ignore the workout for today and make sure you log them from here on in.

    Hope that helps!

    Strength training doesn't count?!? I don't know why MFP tracks strength training this way. I still add my resistance work (and it is work!) under cardio and just manually enter the calories burned after looking them up elsewhere (usually calorie count).

    I too figure out how many calories I've burned when I do strength training = and add it in as cardiovascular. I know you are burning calories when doing strength training, so it doesn't make sense not to count them. The site is wonderful, but it isn't perfect. LOL

  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    i think it was strength
    my whole body
    2 rests

    Lifting weights? Using the weight machines? or the other machines as mentioned earlier?
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    quick tip: i log everything in on my phone in the notepad app that way i dont forget! :wink:
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    I add my resistance training to my cardio exercise as "strength training". I don't see any reason to use the strength training log, as it would take forever to add every single exercise I do (I did chest and shoulders today and probably did over a dozen different lifts), and it doesn't do anything to change my calories. However, I do slower, strength and bulk based training. If you do quicker resistance training, moving quickly from exercise to exercise, then that would be circuit training, which burns more calories as it raises the heart rate much higher.
  • Bluddy
    Alot of the exercises are named by the muscle/body part your using and the action your doing, for example the machine where you sit down with your legs behind a bar then extend them is what you would call "leg extensions". Google will probebly tell you what you were doing if ya put a brief description in.