Slimming World: Reviews


I've been told by a few people that I should try Slimming World, and in particular the "Extra Easy Plan" and I was wondering if anyone on MFP had any reviews of this plan, both good and bad, and if they'd be willing to share?

Also, if you can direct me to any information about the plan to save me the membership fee, I'd be really grateful!

Thanks :)


  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member

    I've been told by a few people that I should try Slimming World, and in particular the "Extra Easy Plan" and I was wondering if anyone on MFP had any reviews of this plan, both good and bad, and if they'd be willing to share?

    Also, if you can direct me to any information about the plan to save me the membership fee, I'd be really grateful!

    Thanks :)

    MFP is free. And it works! I've been dieting for 25 years and its the only one i've been able to maintain on.
    It also help me drop 10% body fat and eat like a queen.
  • hnyzthms
    hnyzthms Posts: 393 Member
    I've done slimming world a couple of times and have lost 1/2-1 stone with them, not a huge amount I know but I don't need to lose a huge amount.

    It work but when u stop u gain. That's why I prefer MFP as you eat what u want as long as your within your calories. Sliming world does not allow as much movement for treats so things like chocolate, crisps, takeaways, if u go out for a meal at a restaurant a glass of wine etc etc they are counted a syns go over those weekly syns and u gain. Slimming world is about making meals from scratch so for doing a bolganasie for ease:quickness I use a jar of sauce with MFP that is fine if u count the calories but slimming world it would be a few syns

    Depends what u are looking for if u can stick u with slimming world then it works, but for me I like treats to do meals quick and MFP works for me
  • claireedwards0209
    I combine the two... I go to Slimming World when I can (I work shifts) and use MFP to keep me on the straight and narrow in between. I need the pressure of going to a weigh-in as if I don't go then I just cheat! I don't use the extra easy plan on SW, I stick with the Original (red) and Green days. It really worked for me when I first started going, I lost well over two stone. That was a couple of years ago. Sadly, due to some illness and a few other issues I put quite a bit back on. I am now back on SW and MFP and since New Year I have lost 7.5lb.

    I think maintenance once you reach your goal is always difficult, it depends on what your relationship with food is. I suppose long term it is about realising that you need food to survive, nothing more!
  • our_ayley
    our_ayley Posts: 66 Member
    I'd still definitely be using MFP, I'm just in a bit of a rut when it comes to eating right now, and fancied something that may accelerate things or offer a different outlook to healthier eating. Taken on board all your comments though :)
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I did Slimming World for years.

    It uses the idea of 'free food', so you can eat as much as you like of certain things, such as lean meats and fish, pasta, rice, veg, fruit, eggs, fat free yogurts, etc. You then get a limited amount of dairy as an 'a' choice, such as a cube of cheese, or milk, etc, and then a limited amount of grains as a 'b' choice, such as 2 slices of wholemeal bread (400g half loaves), Ryvita, etc. On top of that you get your 'Syns', 15 a day, to use for treats. To put that in perspective, a packet of Quavers is 5.5 syns.

    Good points:

    You shouldn't ever feel hungry, due to unlimited amounts of certain foods. It also encourages you to eat whole foods and cook from scratch, due to 99% of processed foods being fairly high syns. The recipes are often very good, and I still use a few now. You get the support of a group.

    Bad points:

    It can be expensive.
    The idea of 'free food' is a bit ridiculous, considering how calorific things like pasta and rice are, and even certain fruits. So you can be 'good' on the plan and gain weight if you take it as a literal 'I can stuff my face with great, heaving bowls of pasta all day', no question of it.
    It's also very unflexible. You have to be prepared, to prepare. You can't just grab a sandwich on the go, or pop out to dinner with friends regularly, as I often found that unless there was a steak with a jacket potato on the menu, I would use up all my syns for the week on one meal.

    MFP vs Slimming World:

    Well, MFP is free. And you have group support in the forums. It's flexible and easy to follow. It teaches you things about macros that SW doesn't and encourages you to exercise.

    I will say, that if you do decide to go for Slimming World, you need to join a group. It's not something you can follow without the books and knowing what you are doing.
  • our_ayley
    our_ayley Posts: 66 Member
    I did Slimming World for years.

    It uses the idea of 'free food', so you can eat as much as you like of certain things, such as lean meats and fish, pasta, rice, veg, fruit, eggs, fat free yogurts, etc. You then get a limited amount of dairy as an 'a' choice, such as a cube of cheese, or milk, etc, and then a limited amount of grains as a 'b' choice, such as 2 slices of wholemeal bread (400g half loaves), Ryvita, etc. On top of that you get your 'Syns', 15 a day, to use for treats. To put that in perspective, a packet of Quavers is 5.5 syns.

    Good points:

    You shouldn't ever feel hungry, due to unlimited amounts of certain foods. It also encourages you to eat whole foods and cook from scratch, due to 99% of processed foods being fairly high syns. The recipes are often very good, and I still use a few now. You get the support of a group.

    Bad points:

    It can be expensive.
    The idea of 'free food' is a bit ridiculous, considering how calorific things like pasta and rice are, and even certain fruits. So you can be 'good' on the plan and gain weight if you take it as a literal 'I can stuff my face with great, heaving bowls of pasta all day', no question of it.
    It's also very unflexible. You have to be prepared, to prepare. You can't just grab a sandwich on the go, or pop out to dinner with friends regularly, as I often found that unless there was a steak with a jacket potato on the menu, I would use up all my syns for the week on one meal.

    MFP vs Slimming World:

    Well, MFP is free. And you have group support in the forums. It's flexible and easy to follow. It teaches you things about macros that SW doesn't and encourages you to exercise.

    I will say, that if you do decide to go for Slimming World, you need to join a group. It's not something you can follow without the books and knowing what you are doing.

    Thanks for this - it was extremely helpful! I think I'm going to stick with what I know and stay with MFP. I too was concerned about all this "free" food as well, with it being pasta and whatnot.

    Thanks for all your help!