Is it good that I can't be bothered?

I love to cook and make most of my meals from scratch. It means having to log A LOT of separate ingredients. I just can't be bothered logging it all today.

But maybe that's a good thing....

I'm 5'5 and 147lbs. My ideal weight is 135lbs. Things is - I've been doing loads of exercise over the past few months AND enjoying it. I haven't been losing much weight BUT, I feel good. My clothes are fitting fine and I think my shape has changed subtly (my cellulite no longer shows - which is a HUGE win in my book). Although it is still fairly "substantial", I don't really mind the way my bum looks in the mirror anymore. Who cares about those last 12lbs - I'm not a model, never will be. Am I just chasing an unattainable "number"? Of course, there is always room for improvement, but is all the hassle really worth it?

I'm just debating whether I should I just forget about my weight for a bit? I'm not saying "eat whatever I can find", but maybe this lack of motivation is all a sign that I'm fairly happy at my current weight? Otherwise, I would be striving for more...

When did you realise you were already at your "ideal weight"?


  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    From what I read you have already made up your mind...if you can't be bothered...

    I also cook...a lot...I enjoy taking a recipe and seeing if I can make it fit my caloric goals and still maintain flavor.

    Life is about being happy...if you are happy with where you are in life...then I would say...why change it if it will make you miserable.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    You have succeeded. Your body is happy and your mind is happy.

  • Pintado
    Pintado Posts: 33 Member
    I'm really glad that I'm not the only one who's decided to focus on maintenance a bit earlier than I was expecting. I didn't have much to lose to begin with, only about 15lb. But after 7lb I've decided that actually I'm pretty happy with my size, and that rather than put my energies towards losing weight, I'd rather focus on health, strength-training and macros. I've been doing it for a few weeks and I feel so much more relaxed about food, and also find it much easier to stay within my calorie allowance range and not stress too much if I go over one day. I have struggled with disordered eating in the past, and frankly I'm sick of the restricting/bingeing cycle, so this feels healthy for me.

    So: yes! I think it's good you can't be bothered. Consider yourself on maintenance and direct all your free energy to better things!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    You are pretty much where I want to be. I'm 5' 4".

    I know eating healthier with all the separate ingredients, it get's a bit cumbersome to try to log that information. You can create your own recipe's in MFP, and that will help. Or you can try to find something someone else has entered that would seem relatively close to what you believe your recipe's nutritional value has.

    Right now, trying to maintain scares me. I feel like it be real easy for me to fall back into old habits (because not my first rodeo trying to lose weight). If you're happy with where you are, and how things are going, why change it?
  • Schtroumpfkin
    Schtroumpfkin Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks all - you've given me a pretty consistent answer. I wish you all the best in attaining your goals, whatever they might be!