5'1 turning 20 this year and hoping to drop from 143 to 121

Hello~ I don't really know how to start this, I'm usually more used to lurking around haha ( > _ <)
I'm a short Chinese girl living in Malaysia where unfortunately the average Malaysian meal is around 700 - 1000 calories in a single sitting (;; O Д O)

I've always been a plump kid and convinced myself that i was happy with how I looked despite being overweight and two BMI points to obesity. I have no idea what came over me, it was so sudden, I got up and decided, no more excuses! I'm going to work it off and feel fantastic about myself!

I'm more comfortable following the metric system, so I am currently at 65kg at 155cm and my goal is to drop to 55. 50 If possible. Currently watching my food,trying to eat as close to 1200 cals per day as possible and started running. Also following Jillian Michael's 30 day shred challenge and on day 2, after seeing some inspirational before and after pictures somewhere around here as well as reading heaps of good reviews on it!

Nice to meet you all~!