Many thanks to the MFP veterans

Last night I had a serious attack of the munchies. Up until that point I was right on track for the day and have been for two weeks straight! I wasn't hungry, just wanting to eat. Instead I got on the forum. Wandered into a thread started by a self-righteous granny who went snooping in other people's diaries and called them "nightmares." Some of the veteran MFP replies were flat out hilarious. The whole thread had me giggling for so long that I forgot all about the munchies. So instead of waking up this morning and thinking, "Damn! I blew it yesterday!" I got to wake up thinking, "Damn! I did GOOD yesterday!" and I'm still right on track! Yay!!

Also, thanks for all the advice I've found. Everything from that useful calorie requirement calculator to exercise tips. The food diary is really helping me to eat a healthier, balanced diet (whole foods this time around - no more diet junk!), but the forum has also become an awesome place to find motivation, inspiration, and help. To those of you who have been around a long time and are still active and helping all us newbies - BIG thank you!! :smile: