Sodium and Carbs

Looking through my diary and two different things came up that got me curious, and I wondered if any other MFP users could answer.

I notice I'm pretty good/bad about always having left over sodium at the end of the day, unless the guys decide they really want fast food and I forgot to thaw something(thank god for nutrition info online) But it seems like fast food meals are the ones that always put me even or over the sodium intake limit. How bad is it to be under your sodium by 200 or more almost constantly? Though if I crave salt I find something to satisfy that craving but I don't grab something just for sodium otherwise.

My second question would be about carbs. I'm still learning everything, and after haunting the forums the other day I realized I should be focusing on all my diary, not just my calories. Luckily fat, fiber, and protein I do pretty good with keeping near the suggested goals, but carbs I didn't put a whole lot of thought into and to be honest, I don't really know why to watch it. I know diabetics have to watch their carb intake, and that it's mostly from grains, but that's about it.
Thank ya'll for taking the time to read and possibly reply, I appreciate it!