I need an intervention? my friends think so

Seriously, they really think i'm a gym addict, I was late for my own grad ceremony because I HAD to get in a workout, I'm also fighting a nasty intestinal flu bug right now, but I still went to the gym, I had to leave the floor 5-6 times to use the facilities, and felt just nasty, headaches, muscle aches, but I perservered, finished my 3 hour circuit. I feel like death right now, but i'm still off to the gym in an hour to teach a power step class, I just can't stay away. I don't know if it's a problem yet, but it's sure starting to take over...anyone else love that adrenaline rush, that sweat and muscle fatigue that comes along with it, I actually like it...Am the only addict? It hasn't interfered to the point where I don't spend time with my kids, I go to the gym while their still sleeping inthe morning, waking up as early as 3 am to get my full workout, when I teach, they come along, they love the music and like to watch, but I find that my daughter and middle son are also becoming gym rats, rather be pumping iron with their new friends then hanging out at McD's...when does this become a problem and not just a healthy lifestyle choice.....my friends call me a gym junkie..maybe they're right, I know I love what it does to my body and to my self esteem, I love the way I look in my clothes, I love that my kids want to be fit because of me, ...when though, does it cross the line, or does it?? I thought this would be an interesting topic, since I lost the weight, my focus went from thinking about eating, what i'm going to eat, and being excited about eating, to now thinking about workouts, how to improve them, setting physical goals and I get excited thinking about going to the gym and helping people out getting excited about my new step combos... I;d like to see if others share my same obsession.

I do need to add in, that the bug hit me about 20 minutes into my workout, it'snot like I dragged myself throwing up into the gym, I probably should have left, but I didn't, I knew it would increase my load tomorrow in the gym, since todays workout was a muscle killer.....just needed to edit because it did sound like I went in already sick...I was tired, and had a headache, but didn't think much of it at the time, just to get the record straight, cause everyone's gonna bust my a** on this one regardless! :laugh: and I always clean my machine...ALWAYS!


  • minnesota
    minnesota Posts: 204 Member
    well at least it isn't meth you are addicted to. So you have an addiction to the gym? Well you said point blank it doesn't interfere with your children and your home life then so what? When you find that your addiciton is ruining relationships, work and overall health then it's something to worry about. Since you are a workout queen and know a lot about fitness you should also know a lot about rest and when you are sick you need to rest.

    I love to run a lot, but when I injury myself no matter how much I hate it I take time off, because I know my body needs a recovery just as much as it needs to worked out. Just remind yourself of limits and take it easy when you aren't feeling the best.
  • ❤B☩❤
    Well....you asked. I'd say you crossed the line when you went to a public place (the gym) with a *quote* nasty intestinal flu bug *quote* to work out and then again to teach a class. It is my opinion that if I had a flu bug such as that, I wouldn't want to spread that among all the other gym members, 'facilities' and students.

    There is also a level of responsibility with going to the gym or to classes. I wonder how you would feel if a mom allowed her kid to go to daycare or school KNOWING they had this bug and YOUR kids could get it. Not too responsible, in my opinion. I'm sorry if this is not what you want to hear, but when you post it for anyone to comment, it's fair game.

    I do, however, hope that you start to feel better soon.....but yes, you need an intervention!!
  • vickthedick
    vickthedick Posts: 136 Member
    So long as it isn't effecting your work or depriving your family of time then you are doing no wrong in my opinion. I wake up every workday morning at 5 am so i can do cardio and strength train without letting it interfere with my toddler time with my little boy. I think a lot of times people can be condescending of healthy lifestyle choice because on some level they are jealous so they have to express that envy by thinly veiling it in faux concern. There is definitely a double standard....if you are criticizing a heavy or unfit person "you're mean" but if you are criticizing someone's workout habits "you're just concerned".

    Physicians recommend getting at least 30-45 mins of physical activity a day.
  • misspenny762
    misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
    Well....you asked. I'd say you crossed the line when you went to a public place (the gym) with a *quote* nasty intestinal flu bug *quote* to work out and then again to teach a class. It is my opinion that if I had a flu bug such as that, I wouldn't want to spread that among all the other gym members, 'facilities' and students.

    There is also a level of responsibility with going to the gym or to classes. I wonder how you would feel if a mom allowed her kid to go to daycare or school KNOWING they had this bug and YOUR kids could get it. Not too responsible, in my opinion. I'm sorry if this is not what you want to hear, but when you post it for anyone to comment, it's fair game.

    I do, however, hope that you start to feel better soon.....but yes, you need an intervention!!

    This. I would not be pleased to find out the person who used the equipment before me had the flu.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Well....you asked. I'd say you crossed the line when you went to a public place (the gym) with a *quote* nasty intestinal flu bug *quote* to work out and then again to teach a class. It is my opinion that if I had a flu bug such as that, I wouldn't want to spread that among all the other gym members, 'facilities' and students.

    There is also a level of responsibility with going to the gym or to classes. I wonder how you would feel if a mom allowed her kid to go to daycare or school KNOWING they had this bug and YOUR kids could get it. Not too responsible, in my opinion. I'm sorry if this is not what you want to hear, but when you post it for anyone to comment, it's fair game.

    I do, however, hope that you start to feel better soon.....but yes, you need an intervention!!

    I understand your point of view, Absolutely no one but me was in the gym this morning at 3 am, no one, not a soul. As far as the class goes, I don't work I don't get paid, I can't buy groceries, or pay my bills, plain as that.... that's an easy one. And on the note of my kids going to school with a bug, that happens all the time, my kids get sick from going to school, not from being home, by the time you realize your child is sick, they've already passed that bug around...same goes for head lice and foot and mouth, chicken pox., my kids have had them all...and didn't get them at home, it's a risk you take when you send them to school.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Well....you asked. I'd say you crossed the line when you went to a public place (the gym) with a *quote* nasty intestinal flu bug *quote* to work out and then again to teach a class. It is my opinion that if I had a flu bug such as that, I wouldn't want to spread that among all the other gym members, 'facilities' and students.

    There is also a level of responsibility with going to the gym or to classes. I wonder how you would feel if a mom allowed her kid to go to daycare or school KNOWING they had this bug and YOUR kids could get it. Not too responsible, in my opinion. I'm sorry if this is not what you want to hear, but when you post it for anyone to comment, it's fair game.

    I do, however, hope that you start to feel better soon.....but yes, you need an intervention!!

    This. I would not be pleased to find out the person who used the equipment before me had the flu.

    Happens more then you'd like to know, and if they are using the disinfectant wipes they are supposed to you need to worry more about the person coughing and sneezing next to you.
  • inmyshoes
    I agree about not wanting to see someone walking around the gym who looked like death and was obviously really sick. Then again, I see *so* many people who NEVER clean off the weight machines after they are done using them. Sick or not sick - clean your machine!!!!
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    While overall since it's not interfering with your children and life (yet) you're probably ok...I'd keep an eye on things as it sounds like you could be on the verge.

    I do agree with ODonna and MissPenny that going while that sick with a "nasty intestinal flu" is so far from copacetic. It's just inconsiderate of everyone else who uses the gym.
  • vickthedick
    vickthedick Posts: 136 Member
    Well....you asked. I'd say you crossed the line when you went to a public place (the gym) with a *quote* nasty intestinal flu bug *quote* to work out and then again to teach a class. It is my opinion that if I had a flu bug such as that, I wouldn't want to spread that among all the other gym members, 'facilities' and students.

    There is also a level of responsibility with going to the gym or to classes. I wonder how you would feel if a mom allowed her kid to go to daycare or school KNOWING they had this bug and YOUR kids could get it. Not too responsible, in my opinion. I'm sorry if this is not what you want to hear, but when you post it for anyone to comment, it's fair game.

    I do, however, hope that you start to feel better soon.....but yes, you need an intervention!!

    I understand your point of view, Absolutely no one but me was in the gym this morning at 3 am, no one, not a soul. As far as the class goes, I don't work I don't get paid, I can't buy groceries, or pay my bills, plain as that.... that's an easy one. And on the note of my kids going to school with a bug, that happens all the time, my kids get sick from going to school, not from being home, by the time you realize your child is sick, they've already passed that bug around...same goes for head lice and foot and mouth, chicken pox., my kids have had them all...and didn't get them at home, it's a risk you take when you send them to school.

    And all gyms have sanitizing equipment to use on the machines before and after. i agree the risk of getting sick is one you take on by leaving the house...
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    3 hours? every day? getting up at 3am to workout? that sounds like it could be getting obsessive. But something is only a problem if it's interfering with other aspects of our lives. What part about it concerns your friends?
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    First of all, a three-hour gym circuit is a lot of exercise all by itself, even for a professional bodybuilder. But if your life is on hold because of working out or you work out despite having severe intestinal issues, you may have your priorities a little out of whack. I mean, exercise is supposed to enhance your life, not BE your life. Friends, family, and the major events should take precedence. If they start to take a back seat--which it seems very much like they are--I would suggest you re-examine your priorities.

    Just my opinion.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    First of all, a three-hour gym circuit is a lot of exercise all by itself, even for a professional bodybuilder. But if your life is on hold because of working out or you work out despite having severe intestinal issues, you may have your priorities a little out of whack. I mean, exercise is supposed to enhance your life, not BE your life. Friends, family, and the major events should take precedence. If they start to take a back seat--which it seems very much like they are--I would suggest you re-examine your priorities.

    Just my opinion.

    What happens though when it IS my life, I make my paycheck now because of my body, My priorities are my children, my paycheck provides for them, and this is my chosen lifestyle, this is my job, i've gone part time with the postoffice, because I make more money off my body, plain as that..is it still wrong???
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    3 hours? every day? getting up at 3am to workout? that sounds like it could be getting obsessive. But something is only a problem if it's interfering with other aspects of our lives. What part about it concerns your friends?

    Honestly, I think a little jealousy, and they also see how I can be really tired at times, but for me it's worth it, I'm providing a lifestyle for my kids that allows them to do things they want, allows me to vacation with them, I bought a much bigger house in a much safer neighbourhood. I just couldn't do these things before on my government salary. So I guess they say they are concerned, but sometimes I wonder....if I truly have a problem, I really do want to address it.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    No offense, but this is turning into one of those "discussions" that isn't really. It seems like your mind is made up that you are absolutely right, and you simply wanted people to back you up. Everyone who has disagreed with you has been smacked down with your own logic. So in that respect, yes, you are starting to sound a lot like the addicts on "Intervention". An answer to any criticism.

  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    No offense, but this is turning into one of those "discussions" that isn't really. It seems like your mind is made up that you are absolutely right, and you simply wanted people to back you up. Everyone who has disagreed with you has been smacked down with your own logic. So in that respect, yes, you are starting to sound a lot like the addicts on "Intervention". An answer to any criticism.


    Thanks Doc....and I really do want the input, didn't know I wasn't supposed to add info to the conversation, but just take it on the knuckles....maybe I saw the need to add info, maybe? that ok?
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Point proven. I'm outta here.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Point proven. I'm outta here.

    If you didn't like the topic to begin with, why did you bother? and to answer your question, I don't think I need an intervention, and yes i'm defensive, cause maybe there is something going on, and sometimes it takes someone else to knock some sense into me, and maybe it'll be someone from the boards..who will make me rethink...as it stands, there's been a few good points, that have made me go...hmmm...I see it...and others that are ridiculous..sorry.
  • vickthedick
    vickthedick Posts: 136 Member
    You are a fitness model and a fitness instructor and personal trainer. Of course you need to workout then the average person. It's like being an actress or a model, it is a job requirement to stay in shape. I can personally attest that when I see a trainer that isn't in excellent shape, I doubt their abilities personally
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I think that if your quality of life has improved for you and your kids then it has to be a good thing. As long as you are getting sufficient rest time as well then I don't really see the problem?
  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    I think you are somewhere in between. On the one hand, it's good to live a fit lifestyle and when it becomes part of your job and income then naturally you embrace it more (it's part of your day to day, right?). On the other hand, some of it sounds unhealthy to me. As another person said, when you're sick, you rest. Pushing your body when you're ill usually makes things worse. You're also getting up at 3am for workouts! Yes it is a time that won't interrupt your routine with you kids, but 3am is out there. That's bedtime, the end lol. How much sleep are you getting each night? The one thing that stuck out to me most from everything is that when you were losing weight, your obsession, as it is for tons of people, was food. Now, instead of life revolving around food, you have replaced that with exercise. Life is about balance, and although I think it is amazing that you are so committed and I give you props for earning the body you have, just be careful. Make sure you find time to enjoy lots of things. Have fun with your friends doing something not related to working out, don't forget other hobbies, and take time for yourself to relax. If your friends' concern has led you to question yourself, take it easy for a bit. Don't stop exercising, don't flip your whole life upside down, but make a plan a couple times a week to spend an hour or two on yourself or with friends doing something new. Just my opinion, hope it helps.