
I'm not sure why I didn't do post this earlier I'm scatterbrained sometimes. But anyway my name is Ginger. I'm 30 years old with around 70 pounds to lose. I have been up and down with my weight since my oldest daughter was born 11 years ago. Before I got pregnant with her I weighed 95 pounds went up to 187 during my pregnancy, lost most of it went down to 115, then would go in extremes from 215-110..I got pregnant again a few years ago and was 187 when I got pregnant 210 when I delivered and lost a tremendous amount of weight by the time she was 8 months old I was down to 125-ish..though within another 9 months of that low weight I started gaining it back and I am now back at 187...

I eat when I'm stressed which is like 99.9 % of the time and I love sweets...Hopefully this time and using this I will lose it and learn how to keep it off for good.


  • trgobble
    trgobble Posts: 51 Member
    Hi! :) Maybe eating sugar free things would help. I'm also finding that chewing gum when I want to snack is helpful. And of course you have your typical "drink water when you're hungry" schpeil. I hate water, but I put Crystal Light packets in it and it helps. Good luck! :)
  • dward843
    Hi and welcome.

    When you're feeling stressed try putting "healthier" snacks in snack size bags that you can buy at the store. Then you are only allowed to eat out of that and stop after one. Drink lots of water.
  • rebbie63
    Hi! My name is Maria but everyone calls me Rebbie. I'm 46 soon to be 47 years old and I want to lose 150 pds. I feel confident about this site and hopefully I can reach my goal of not only being healthier but eating and looking healthier as well. Wow! I'm kinda excited about it.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Hi! :) Maybe eating sugar free things would help. I'm also finding that chewing gum when I want to snack is helpful. And of course you have your typical "drink water when you're hungry" schpeil. I hate water, but I put Crystal Light packets in it and it helps. Good luck! :)

    Crystal light was going to be my next question...thats about the only way I can drink water is to add one of those to it...Done really good been a week without a pop, and I used to drink almost a 2 liter a day of dt. mt. dew..so hopefully I'll start seeing something.